Ovako se reagira na vijest da ste upravo dobili brata
My Niece reacts to news that her baby brother was born. from r/pics
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Malac je kul isto kao i grafiti iza njega
My son saw graffiti up close for the first time, I wanted to share his reaction with someone from r/Graffiti
Prvi put je ugledala Disneyjev dvorac i doslovce zinula
My daughter's reaction to first seeing the castle from r/WaltDisneyWorld
Djevojčica je po prvi put uzela u naručje svoju malenu sestricu i shvatila da je puno teža od lutke
When your daughter gets to hold her new baby sister for the first time...and realizes she's heavier than the practice dolls.
"Žena mog prijatelja alergična je na božićno drvce pa su ga morali vratiti i uzeti umjetno. Ovako je na tu vijest reagirao njihov sin"
My friend's wife was allergic to their Christmas tree, so they had to return it and get a fake one. This was their son's reaction. from r/pics
Prvi susret s balerinom. Ovako izgleda čista radost:)
My daughter's reaction to seeing a ballerina for the first time. from r/pics
Mama mu je odbila dati svoju kavu, a ovo je reakcija koja je uslijedila
My 6-month-old son's reaction when I didn't give him my coffee. from r/pics
Prva vožnja vlakom smrti
My son had the best reaction to his first real roller coaster, Expedition Everest at Disney's Animal Kingdom (MIC) (xpost /r/waltdisneyworld). from r/pics
Njezina mama u naručju drži drugo dijete
My daughters reaction to seeing her mom hold another baby. from r/pics
"Moj sin voli kamione. Ovo je bila njegova reakcija kada je prvi put uživo vidio veliki kamion"
My son loves trucks. His reaction when seeing a big truck up close for the first time. from r/pics
Reakcija mog sina na naše zaruke
My sons reaction to my engagement ���+��=�����❤️�� from r/pics
Ni djedica ni klinac nisu oduševljeni
My son said he didnt believe in Santa..I sure showed him. from r/funny
Ovako izgleda čuđenje
My son's reaction to the Elmo news - Imgur from r/funny
"Moj sin je dobio ovu majicu na dar. Sviđa mu se kako ljudi reagiraju na nju"
My son just got this shirt as a gift. So far, he likes the reactions he is getting. from r/funny
Jeftinije od tematskog parka, a rezultat isti. Avantura u autopraonici
My son just got this shirt as a gift. So far, he likes the reactions he is getting. from r/funny
"Reakcija moje kćeri na sladoled od čokolade"
My daughter’s reaction to chocolate ice cream. from r/funny
Prvi susret bebe i kolača
(Fixed) I give you my sons reaction to his first meeting with Cake! from r/funny
"Moja kći htjela je biti s nama na slici. Nismo joj rekli da ćemo se poljubiti"
My daughter wanted to be in the photo with us. We didn't tell her we were going to kiss. from r/funny