Seven puppies rescued after spending days by the body of mother dog who froze to death,Image: 576670371, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
DA VAM SRCE PUKNE: Ovi siročići su tri dana pokušavali ugrijati svoju mamu na minus 20. Nisu znali da je ona - mrtva
![Christmas miracle of good homes wanted for seven tragic puppies clinging to their dead stray mother for three days, ‘trying to warm her back to life in minus 20C Siberian cold’](
![Christmas miracle of good homes wanted for seven tragic puppies clinging to their dead stray mother for three days, ‘trying to warm her back to life in minus 20C Siberian cold’](
Foto: Profimedia
Ova neopisivo tužna priča ipak je dočekala koliko-toliko sretan kraj nakon što je svih sedam siročića pronašlo svoj zauvijek dom.
![Christmas miracle of good homes wanted for seven tragic puppies clinging to their dead stray mother for three days, ‘trying to warm her back to life in minus 20C Siberian cold’](
Foto: Profimedia
![Christmas miracle of good homes wanted for seven tragic puppies clinging to their dead stray mother for three days, ‘trying to warm her back to life in minus 20C Siberian cold’](
Foto: Profimedia
![Christmas miracle of good homes wanted for seven tragic puppies clinging to their dead stray mother for three days, ‘trying to warm her back to life in minus 20C Siberian cold’](
Foto: Profimedia
![Christmas miracle of good homes wanted for seven tragic puppies clinging to their dead stray mother for three days, ‘trying to warm her back to life in minus 20C Siberian cold’](
Foto: Profimedia
![Christmas miracle of good homes wanted for seven tragic puppies clinging to their dead stray mother for three days, ‘trying to warm her back to life in minus 20C Siberian cold’](
Foto: Profimedia
Sedam malenih štenaca spašeno je nakon što su puna tri dana proveli priljubljeni uz mrtvo tijelo svoje majke.
![Christmas miracle of good homes wanted for seven tragic puppies clinging to their dead stray mother for three days, ‘trying to warm her back to life in minus 20C Siberian cold’](
Foto: Profimedia
Nesretni psići žalosno su cviljeli očigledno pokušavajući ugrijati svoju mamu na minus 20 Celzijevih stupnjeva u ruskoj regiji Krasnoyarsk.
![Christmas miracle of good homes wanted for seven tragic puppies clinging to their dead stray mother for three days, ‘trying to warm her back to life in minus 20C Siberian cold’](
Foto: Profimedia
![Christmas miracle of good homes wanted for seven tragic puppies clinging to their dead stray mother for three days, ‘trying to warm her back to life in minus 20C Siberian cold’](
Foto: Profimedia