Tijelo golemog kita izvučeno je iz voda južne Italije, objavila je u srijedu obalna straža i opisala ga "vjerojatno jednim od najvećih" kitova ikad pronađenih na Mediteranu. Mrtvog sisavca u nedjelju su u vodama blizu popularne turističke destinacije Sorrento uočili ronioci obalne straže koji su prvo bili upozoreni na prisutnost manjeg kita koji je u međuvremenu nestao.
Obalna straža objavila je da je u utorak u noći izvukla kita i prevezla ga u luku Napulj gdje će ga analizirati morski biolozi i drugi stručnjaci te odrediti uzrok uginuća.

A photo taken overnight and handout on January 20, 2021 by the Italian Coast Guards (Guardia Costiera) shows the carcass of a huge dead whale (L) in the port of the Sorrento, south of Naples, as it's being towed away by the Italian Coast Guards towards the port of Naples, were the cause of death will be studied. The carcass of a huge whale, spotted on January 17 in the waters off the port of Sorrento, was recovered overnight near Sorrento, the Italian coastguard said on January 20, 2021, calling it "probably one of the largest" ever found in the Mediterranean.,Image: 584908026, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / GUARDIA COSTIERA / ITALIAN COAST GUARDS CORPS" - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, Model Release: no