Mourinho se ovakvom šamaru nije nadao

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Tottenham ispao iz FA kupa

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Nogometaši Norwich Cityja, posljednjeplasirane momčadi Premier lige, izborili su u srijedu navečer plasman u četvrtfinale engleskog FA kupa nakon što su na gostovanju u Londonu pobijedili Tottenham, sedmoplasiranu momčad Premiershipa, boljim izvođenjem jedanaesteraca sa 3:2, a nakon što je utakmica završila 1:1. Tottenham je poveo u 13. minuti preko Jana Vertonghena, a izjednačio je švicarski Hrvat Josip Drmić u 78. minuti.


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Adam Idah of Norwich City and Serge Aurier of Tottenham Hotspur battle fin action Tottenham Hotspur v Norwich City, 5th Round, The Emirates FA Cup, English Football, Football, Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, White Hart Lane, Tottenham, London, UK - 04 Mar 2020, Image: 503283031, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EDITORIAL USE ONLY No use with unauthorised audio, video, data, fixture lists (outside the EU), club/league logos or "live" services. Online in-match use limited to 45 images (+15 in extra time). No use to emulate moving images. No use in betting, games or, Model Release: no, Credit line: Elli Birch/IPS / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

LAMPARD OBJAVIO JEZIVE VIJESTI VEZANE ZA KOVAČIĆA: Navijači ne mogu doći k sebi – ‘Ovo je nešto najgore što nam se dogodilo’


Navijači ne mogu doći k sebi - 'Ovo je nešto najgore što nam se dogodilo'


Navijači ne mogu doći k sebi - 'Ovo je nešto najgore što nam se dogodilo'

U junaka se prometnuo nizozemski vratar Tim Krul

Kako se rezultat više nije mijenjao, ušlo se u lutriju kaznenih udaraca, a u junaka se prometnuo nizozemski vratar Tim Krul koji je obranio dva udarca igračima Tottenhama. Nizozemac je zaustavio udarce Troyja Parrotta i Gedsona Fernandesa, dok je Erik Lamela pogodio okvir gola. U suparničkim redovima promašio je tek Kenny McLean.

Nešto ranije plasman u četvrtfinale izborili su i Manchester City, te Leicester City.

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Tim Krul goalkeeper of Norwich City reacts towards Dele Alli of Tottenham Hotspur Tottenham Hotspur v Norwich City, Emirates FA Cup Fifth Round, Football, The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, London, UK - 04 Mar 2020, Image: 503276460, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EDITORIAL USE ONLY No use with unauthorised audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or "live" services. Online in-match use limited to 120 images, no video emulation. No use in betting, games or single club/league/player publications., Model Release: no, Credit line: Ian Tuttle/BPI / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

City slavio u gostima kod drugoligaša Sheffield Wednesdaya

Manchester City je slavio u gostima kod drugoligaša Sheffield Wednesdaya s 1:0, a gol odluke polučio je Aguero u 52. minuti.

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Leicester svladao drugoligaša Birmingham City, Chelsea i Newcastle

Leicester je kod kuće identičnim rezultatom svladao drugoligaša Birmingham City, a plasman među osam je "Lisicama" donio Ricardo Perreira osam minuta prije kraja. Nogometaši Chelseaja i Newcastlea u utorak su se plasirali u četvrtfinale FA Kupa, eliminiravši Liverpool i West Bromwich Albion.


Jose Mourinho head coach of Tottenham Hotspur watches the penalty shoot out from the bench Tottenham Hotspur v Norwich City, Emirates FA Cup Fifth Round, Football, The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, London, UK - 04 Mar 2020, Image: 503290272, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EDITORIAL USE ONLY No use with unauthorised audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or "live" services. Online in-match use limited to 120 images, no video emulation. No use in betting, games or single club/league/player publications., Model Release: no, Credit line: Ian Tuttle/BPI / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

Bilić ispao

U osmini finala Chelsea je na svom terenu svladao Liverpool sa 2:0 golovima Williana (13) i Rossa Barkleyja (64). Vodeća momčad Druge lige West Bromwich Albion, kojeg vodi Slaven Bilić, na domaćem terenu je poražena od Newcastlea sa 2:3, a dan ranije igrači Arsenala su kao gosti svladali trećeligaša Portsmouth sa 2:0.


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Norwich City goalkeeper Tim Krul (1) saves a shot from Tottenham Hotspur defender Serge Aurier (24) during The FA Cup match between Tottenham Hotspur and Norwich City at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, London Tottenham Hotspur v Norwich City, The FA Cup - 04 Mar 2020, Image: 503276884, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EDITORIAL USE ONLY No use with unauthorised audio, video, data, fixture lists (outside the EU), club/league logos or "live" services. Online in-match use limited to 45 images (+15 in extra time). No use to emulate moving images. No use in betting, games or, Model Release: no, Credit line: Ian Stephen/ProSports / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

Derby County i Manchester United će igrati u četvrtak.

Poznati su i parovi četvrtfinala.

Sheffield United će igrati protiv Arsenala, Newcastle United će dočekati Manchester City, derbi kola igrat će Leicester City i Chelsea, a Norwich očekuje boljeg iz susreta Derbyja i Manchester Uniteda.

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