Ne razumije zašto gubi :)
She can't understand why she's loosing from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Kradljivica bočica
The bottle thief from r/daddit
Evo za što služe prstići na nogama
My daughter: “I really want to read this book, but I have a lollipop... I know! I’ll just hold it with my feet.” from r/funny
Ovako izgleda čista sreća!
My daughter from r/redditgetsdrawn
Watching a toddler learn is fantastic
"Daj da ti pomognem"
Let me help you from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid
Leptirić na leptiriću
A monarch landing right on my daughters head. from r/daddit
Ljetne radosti
Summer days from r/daddit
Prava pomoć
"Helping" adjust the brakes on the camper from r/daddit
Tri svemira na jednoj fotografiji
They are a handful, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. from r/daddit
Uspavana ljepotica
Someone decided they are too old for naps. So we get this at dinner time instead. from r/daddit
Ako on ne vidi druge ni njega nitko ne vidi
This is my son. Hiding. In a mesh, very see through laundry hamper. All while whispering "Hide, hide, hide" to himself. from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid
Njezina reakcija na: "Reci ptičicaaaa"
Would anyone like to draw my daughter? Her response to "say cheese" is to roar like a lion.
Najudobnija poza za spavanje
how is this comfortable? [kid picture]
"Da malo popravim"
My boy discovered his love for the air conditioner this week.
"Pustite me vaaaaan"
Tek joj je šest tjedana, a smije se kao velika
6 weeks old and just started smiling � from r/daddit
Ovako izgleda sreća
My son turned five today. This is still my favorite photo. from r/daddit
Malo je dovoljno za sreću
My daughter loves her first go on the swings