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Danas ima 'solidna' 83 kilograma, od čega joj barem šest nosi obješena koža, poglavito na trbuhu

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Žena, koja je izgubila više od pola svoje tjelesne težine, moli dobre ljude da joj doniraju 12.000 funti kako bi si mogla priuštiti kirurško odstranjivanje golemog viška kože i napokon imati tijelo o kakvom je sanjala.

Foto: Profimedia

- (PICTURED: Stephanie OShea shows her excess skin) - A woman who lost over half her body weight is asking strangers to pay 12,000 to get rid of her excess skin to finally give her the body of her dreams. Steph OShea, 27, was almost 21 stone at her heaviest - but has managed to shed 10 stone after years of being morbidly obese. But after her rapid weight loss Steph, from Burntwood, Staffs, was left with a STONE of saggy skin hanging from her tummy - that she says makes a NOISE when she moves. Steph, a part-time community worker said: I thought losing weight would make me happier but the lose skin has destroyed my confidence., Image: 427729303, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Michael Scott/Caters News, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Britanka Steph OShea (27) istopila je 45 kilograma u 16 mjeseci, što joj je ostavilo ružne nakupine kože koja visi na njezinu tijelu. Nakon što su liječnici odbili zahvat izvesti na teret zdravstvenog osiguranja uz objašnjenje da "su oni tamo da spašavaju živote, a ne da pacijente uljepšavaju za pokazivanje na plaži", mlada žena pokrenula je humanitarnu akciju kojom bi si platila operaciju u privatnoj klinici.

Foto: Profimedia

- (PICTURED: Stephanie OShea, 27 from Burntwood in Staffordshire has lost 10 stone and is now trying to raise 12,000 pounds to have surgery to remove her excess skin. Pic taken: 21/04/2019), Image: 427729414, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Michael Scott/Caters News, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

KAKO MRŠAVLJENJE UTJEČE NA VAŠE TIJELO? Iznenadit će vas što se događa sa svakim organom dok skidate kile


Iznenadit će vas što se događa sa svakim organom dok skidate kile


Iznenadit će vas što se događa sa svakim organom dok skidate kile

Foto: Profimedia

- (PICTURED: Stephanie OShea shows her excess skin) - A woman who lost over half her body weight is asking strangers to pay 12,000 to get rid of her excess skin to finally give her the body of her dreams. Steph OShea, 27, was almost 21 stone at her heaviest - but has managed to shed 10 stone after years of being morbidly obese. But after her rapid weight loss Steph, from Burntwood, Staffs, was left with a STONE of saggy skin hanging from her tummy - that she says makes a NOISE when she moves. Steph, a part-time community worker said: I thought losing weight would make me happier but the lose skin has destroyed my confidence., Image: 427729260, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Michael Scott/Caters News, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Problem nije samo estetski

"Sada se osjećam i izgledam lošije nego kada sam težila 128 kilograma", izjavila je mlada majka dvoje djece za Daily Mail. Danas ima "solidna" 83 kilograma, od čega joj barem šest nosi i obješena koža, poglavito na trbuhu.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Foto: Profimedia

(PICTURED: Stephanie OShea after she lost 5 stone. ) A woman who lost over half her body weight is asking strangers to pay 12,000 to get rid of her excess skin to finally give her the body of her dreams.Steph OShea, 27, was almost 21 stone at her heaviest - but has managed to shed 10 stone after years of being morbidly obese.But after her rapid weight loss Steph, from Burntwood, Staffs, was left with a STONE of saggy skin hanging from her tummy - that she says makes a NOISE when she moves.Steph, a part-time community worker said: I thought losing weight would make me happier but the lose skin has destroyed my confidence.Pic taken: 21/04/2019), Image: 427729392, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Steph priznaje kako je, osim estetski, višak kože brine i zbog čudnih zvukova koje proizvodi dok hoda. "Mislila sam da će me gubitak kilograma učiniti sretnijom osobom, a na kraju mi je uništio samopuzdanje", kazala je razočarana Britanka.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Foto: Profimedia

(PICTURED: Stephanie OShea aged 10) - A woman who lost over half her body weight is asking strangers to pay 12,000 to get rid of her excess skin to finally give her the body of her dreams. Steph OShea, 27, was almost 21 stone at her heaviest - but has managed to shed 10 stone after years of being morbidly obese. But after her rapid weight loss Steph, from Burntwood, Staffs, was left with a STONE of saggy skin hanging from her tummy - that she says makes a NOISE when she moves. Steph, a part-time community worker said: I thought losing weight would make me happier but the lose skin has destroyed my confidence., Image: 427729325, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
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