Pogledajte bajkovitu rezidenciju u Švicarskoj, čista perverzija

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Na internetskoj stranici luksuznog lanca stoji da su im gosti među ostalima bili suosnivač Applea Steve Wozniak i autor 'Vukova s Wall Streeta' Jordan Belfort

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Lanac luksuznih apartmana u Švicarskoj nudi bogatim stanovnicima karantenu s pet zvjezdica uz privatnog dostavljača, liječnika i testiranje na koronavirus. Le Bijou s 42 apartmana od kraja veljače primao je sve manje rezervacija kada su u zemlji zabilježeni prvi slučajevi zaraze novim koronavirusom, a epidemija se naglo širila susjednom Italijom.


This handout picture made available on April 3, 2020 by a high-end operator of serviced apartments Le Bijou Hotel & Resort AG shows the living room of a luxury apartment in downtown Zurich. The hotel and tourism industries have been all but flattened by the coronavirus pandemic, but one Swiss firm has found a way to stay afloat offering a luxury COVID-19 isolation service. Le Bijou is offering people isolation in style, with the possibility of add-ons like a personal grocery shopper, visits from a doctor and an in-room test for the virus., Image: 512115625, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / LE BIJOU HOTEL & RESORT AG" - NO SALE - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY NINA LARSON, Model Release: no, Credit line: HANDOUT / AFP / Profimedia


Neki bogati gosti rezervirali su neuobičajeno duge boravke, po dva i više tjedana, a mnogi su tražili i posjete liječnika. "Shvatili smo da moramo ponuditi novu uslugu i što prije se prilagoditi. Tada smo ponudili apartmane-karantene", objasnio je suosnivač i vlasnik lanca Alexander Hübner, prenosi AFP. Gosti koji žele poštivati upute o socijalnom distanciranju mogu doći u svoj luksuzni apartman bez susreta s portirom i osobljem tog lanca, mogu naručiti namirnice ili obroke koji će im biti dostavljeni pred vrata.


A high-end Swiss hospitality company has launched a Covid-19 package offering guests a customizable stay that includes coronavirus testing, doctor visits and 24/7 nurse care. Le Bijou Hotel & Resort Management which has locations in Basel, Geneva, Zurich and beautiful Lucerne as well as other cities across Switzerland is a luxury hotel meets serviced apartment set-up, catering to clients with deep pockets who can afford accommodation rates of between $800 to $2,000 a night. Now, in response to the global pandemic, the company is offering in-room health services as add-ons, which can be bough a la carte; coronavirus testing is available for about $500, twice-daily nurse check-in for about $1,800, and 24/7 nurse care for around $4,800. According to Alexander H�bner, co-founder and chief executive of Le Bijou Hotel & Resort Management, demand has been increasing steadily since the company started promoting the package on Facebook around two weeks ago and already he has had guests booking the nurse and doctors services, as well as the coronavirus test. He told the Washington Post: In the beginning, we just had about two inquiries a day. Now its ramped up to four, five, six a day, and we just started, I think, one week, 10 days ago. H�bner said Le Bijou properties are still providing food delivery and personal chef services, but have stopped daily cleanings and turn down services, instead sanitizing rooms before and after guests checkout. In line with government guidelines, cleaning staff wear masks and gloves. Explaining how he reacted to the health crisis, H�bner said: In beginning of March, revenues had dropped significantly. We said, OK, we need to react immediately to that. While reservations took a nose dive, H�bner said he started getting requests from clients for somewhere to stay where they could cook their own food and hire house doctors in a bid to avoid public spaces. This prompted Le Bijou to start offering quarantine-friendly perks, such as automated check-in and in-room medical services by partnering with Swiss private health clinic Double Check. H�bner added, though, that he is not encouraging people who have tested positive for the coronavirus to book a stay. He said: We advise them to stay where we are, because thats advised by the government. They need to stay in quarantine. They shouldnt leave anymore if theyve tested positive. Guests who have previously stayed at Le Bijou properties included the royal family of Saudi Arabia, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and Wolf of Wall Street author Jordan Belfort. 26 Mar 2020 Pictured: Le Bijou Hotel & Resort Management which has luxury serviced apartment locations across Switzerland is offering a Covid-19 package in response to the novel coronavirus, including coronavirus testing ($500), twice-daily nurse check-ins ($1,800) and 24/7 nurse care ($4,800)., Image: 509979978, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Le Bijou/ MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia

Za 4800 franaka dobivate 24-satni medicinski nadzor

"Ako ste se zatekli u Švicarskoj i ako vam je određena samoizolacija, to je vjerojatno najbolje rješenje", kaže Hübner. "Za takve uvjete zatočenja platit ćete papreno, oko 500 švicarskih franaka dnevno", rekao je. Za dodatnih 800 franaka dnevno, posjetit će vas liječnik i dva puta dnevno medicinska sestra. Za još 4800 franaka dnevno bit će vam osiguran 24-satni medicinski nadzor. Testiranje na koronavirus stoji 500 franaka. Ali ispisivanje visokog iznosa na čeku ne podrazumijeva automatsko testiranje koje se vrši samo u slučaju ozbiljnih simptoma.


A high-end Swiss hospitality company has launched a Covid-19 package offering guests a customizable stay that includes coronavirus testing, doctor visits and 24/7 nurse care. Le Bijou Hotel & Resort Management which has locations in Basel, Geneva, Zurich and beautiful Lucerne as well as other cities across Switzerland is a luxury hotel meets serviced apartment set-up, catering to clients with deep pockets who can afford accommodation rates of between $800 to $2,000 a night. Now, in response to the global pandemic, the company is offering in-room health services as add-ons, which can be bough a la carte; coronavirus testing is available for about $500, twice-daily nurse check-in for about $1,800, and 24/7 nurse care for around $4,800. According to Alexander H�bner, co-founder and chief executive of Le Bijou Hotel & Resort Management, demand has been increasing steadily since the company started promoting the package on Facebook around two weeks ago and already he has had guests booking the nurse and doctors services, as well as the coronavirus test. He told the Washington Post: In the beginning, we just had about two inquiries a day. Now its ramped up to four, five, six a day, and we just started, I think, one week, 10 days ago. H�bner said Le Bijou properties are still providing food delivery and personal chef services, but have stopped daily cleanings and turn down services, instead sanitizing rooms before and after guests checkout. In line with government guidelines, cleaning staff wear masks and gloves. Explaining how he reacted to the health crisis, H�bner said: In beginning of March, revenues had dropped significantly. We said, OK, we need to react immediately to that. While reservations took a nose dive, H�bner said he started getting requests from clients for somewhere to stay where they could cook their own food and hire house doctors in a bid to avoid public spaces. This prompted Le Bijou to start offering quarantine-friendly perks, such as automated check-in and in-room medical services by partnering with Swiss private health clinic Double Check. H�bner added, though, that he is not encouraging people who have tested positive for the coronavirus to book a stay. He said: We advise them to stay where we are, because thats advised by the government. They need to stay in quarantine. They shouldnt leave anymore if theyve tested positive. Guests who have previously stayed at Le Bijou properties included the royal family of Saudi Arabia, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and Wolf of Wall Street author Jordan Belfort. 26 Mar 2020 Pictured: Le Bijou Hotel & Resort Management which has luxury serviced apartment locations across Switzerland is offering a Covid-19 package in response to the novel coronavirus, including coronavirus testing ($500), twice-daily nurse check-ins ($1,800) and 24/7 nurse care ($4,800)., Image: 509979993, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Le Bijou/ MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia

Poznati gosti

Hübner ističe da je u apartmane besplatno smjestio osam medicinskih djelatnika s prve linije borbe protiv koronavirusa. Identitet gostiju je tajan, ali njegova internet stranica se hvali da su im gosti među ostalima bili suosnivač Applea Steve Wozniak i autor "Vukova s Wall Streeta" Jordan Belfort. Alexander Hübner tvrdi da mu je prioritet zadržati 65 djelatnika i suradnika. Od početka krize kao potporu za nastavak rada primio je donacije i sam dao više od četvrtine svojih godišnjih prihoda.

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A high-end Swiss hospitality company has launched a Covid-19 package offering guests a customizable stay that includes coronavirus testing, doctor visits and 24/7 nurse care. Le Bijou Hotel & Resort Management which has locations in Basel, Geneva, Zurich and beautiful Lucerne as well as other cities across Switzerland is a luxury hotel meets serviced apartment set-up, catering to clients with deep pockets who can afford accommodation rates of between $800 to $2,000 a night. Now, in response to the global pandemic, the company is offering in-room health services as add-ons, which can be bough a la carte; coronavirus testing is available for about $500, twice-daily nurse check-in for about $1,800, and 24/7 nurse care for around $4,800. According to Alexander H�bner, co-founder and chief executive of Le Bijou Hotel & Resort Management, demand has been increasing steadily since the company started promoting the package on Facebook around two weeks ago and already he has had guests booking the nurse and doctors services, as well as the coronavirus test. He told the Washington Post: In the beginning, we just had about two inquiries a day. Now its ramped up to four, five, six a day, and we just started, I think, one week, 10 days ago. H�bner said Le Bijou properties are still providing food delivery and personal chef services, but have stopped daily cleanings and turn down services, instead sanitizing rooms before and after guests checkout. In line with government guidelines, cleaning staff wear masks and gloves. Explaining how he reacted to the health crisis, H�bner said: In beginning of March, revenues had dropped significantly. We said, OK, we need to react immediately to that. While reservations took a nose dive, H�bner said he started getting requests from clients for somewhere to stay where they could cook their own food and hire house doctors in a bid to avoid public spaces. This prompted Le Bijou to start offering quarantine-friendly perks, such as automated check-in and in-room medical services by partnering with Swiss private health clinic Double Check. H�bner added, though, that he is not encouraging people who have tested positive for the coronavirus to book a stay. He said: We advise them to stay where we are, because thats advised by the government. They need to stay in quarantine. They shouldnt leave anymore if theyve tested positive. Guests who have previously stayed at Le Bijou properties included the royal family of Saudi Arabia, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and Wolf of Wall Street author Jordan Belfort. 26 Mar 2020 Pictured: Le Bijou Hotel & Resort Management which has luxury serviced apartment locations across Switzerland is offering a Covid-19 package in response to the novel coronavirus, including coronavirus testing ($500), twice-daily nurse check-ins ($1,800) and 24/7 nurse care ($4,800)., Image: 509979917, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Le Bijou/ MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia

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