MENORCA, SPAIN: Victor swims into the light. BREATHTAKING underwater images have captured a free diver swimming into beams of sunlight up to eighty-five-foot below the surface. The stunning series of pictures showed a diver facing the water?s surface whilst encapsulated by the sun?s rays ? reminiscent of an alien abduction. Another appeared to reveal a diver standing on rocks on the ocean floor ready to be ?taken away? by the beam. The images and video footage were taken off the coast of Menorca, Spain, by photographer Victor de Valles Ibañez (32) from Ciutadella de Menorca, Spain. Victor used a Sony a7ii with SeaFrogs housing for the shoot. Victor is both the model and photographer for each shoot and holds his breath for approximately two-and-a-half minutes at a time when on his diving shoots and dives to a depth of 85-feet. Mediadrumimages/Victor de Valles Ibañez,Image: 567581604, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD23000968010000d3300000d3390000564200000a56000045740000887c00001cb6000086cb000057d50000, Model Release: no
'BEZ BRIGE, NISU ME OTELI IZVANZEMALJCI': Frajer zaronio na 26 metara dubine, a ono što je tamo snimio - oduzima dah


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Fotografije njegova pothvata izazvale su veliku pozornost jer je na mjestu njegova zaranjanja tračak svjetlosti u oceanu kreirao prizor koji izgleda kao da je iz nekoga SF filma.

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Ovaj ronilac zaronio je na 26 metara dubine u španjolskoj Menorci.

Foto: profimedia
"Ne, ronioca nisu oteli izvanzemaljci", napomenuo je uz ovu galeriju fotograf Victor de Valles Ibañez (32), koji je sve zabilježio kamerom.

Foto: profimedia

Foto: profimedia

Foto: profimedia

Foto: profimedia

Foto: profimedia