Objavljene su prve fotografije sa svadbene ceremonije Jennifer Lawrence i njezinog odabranika Cookea Maroneyja. Mladenci su uhvaćeni na stražnjem ulazu Belcourt Mansiona na Rhode Islandu gdje je održano vjenčanje kojemu je prethodila zabava koja je trajala 12 sati. Svadbenom piru su nazočile brojne holivudske zvijezde poput Cameron Diaz, Adele, Nicole Ritchie, Emme Stone, Sienne Miller i Kris Jenner. Zbog jakog osiguranja nitko osim uzvanika i zaposlenika nije imao pristup ceremoniji. Na prozorima zgrade nalazile su se crne zavjese, a oko nje je bila postavljena crna živica koja je jamčila privatnost.

Newport, RI - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - *Web Embargo until 11 am EST on October 21, 2019* Actress, Jennifer Lawrence is seen for the first time as a married woman leaving her wedding party with husband Cooke Maroney. The blushing bride looks stunning as her dress sparkled in the night. Jenifer leads the way as her newly wedded husband trailed close behind her.
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 478090260, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN ITALY, UNITED KINGDOM, Model Release: no, Credit line: MiamiPIXX/Patriotpics / BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
Jennifer je nosila bijelu svjetlucavu Diorovu haljinu, dok je Cooke bio odjeven u elegantno crno odijelo.

Newport, RI - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - *Web Embargo until 11 am EST on October 21, 2019* Actress, Jennifer Lawrence is seen for the first time as a married woman leaving her wedding party with husband Cooke Maroney. The blushing bride looks stunning as her dress sparkled in the night. Jenifer leads the way as her newly wedded husband trailed close behind her.
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 478090330, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN ITALY, UNITED KINGDOM, Model Release: no, Credit line: MiamiPIXX/Patriotpics / BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
Glumica je bila veoma tajanstvena oko svoje veze s Maroneyjem. Par se upoznao preko zajedničkih prijatelja, a zaručili su se nakon manje od godinu dana veze. Oskarovka je vijest o vjenčanju objavila ovog proljeća.

Newport, RI - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - *Web Embargo until 11 am EST on October 21, 2019* Actress, Jennifer Lawrence is seen for the first time as a married woman leaving her wedding party with husband Cooke Maroney. The blushing bride looks stunning as her dress sparkled in the night. Jenifer leads the way as her newly wedded husband trailed close behind her.
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 478090254, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN ITALY, UNITED KINGDOM, Model Release: no, Credit line: MiamiPIXX/Patriotpics / BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia