Holivudska glumica Jennifer Lawrence i njezin zaručnik, trgovac umjetninama Cooke Maroney u ponedjeljak su viđeni u matičnom uredu u New Yorku u pratnji dvojice zaštitara, fotografom i jednim prijateljem, javlja Page Six. Cooke je nosio bijelu majicu, dok se Oskarovka odlučila za sivi sako i traperice. Izvor za spomenuti magazin objasnio je da je fotograf s kojim su viđeni navodno Mark Seliger, koji je snimao naslovnice za Vanity Fair i GQ. Fotografirao je zvijezde poput Lawrence, Micka Jaggera, Gisele Bündchen, Boba Dylana, Miley Cyrus i dr.

** PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY **Jennifer Lawrence and Cooke Maroney are spotted exiting the Manhattan Marriage Bureau in New York today, sparking speculation that the happy couple may have quietly tied the knot. They were spotted leaving, flanked by two security guards, two photographers, one of whom is famed rock 'n' roll photographer, Mark Seliger, and another woman who seems to be a friend of the couple. The couple, who seemed very happy, were rushed into an awaiting SUV and drove off. 16 Sep 2019, Image: 471483968, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
'On je moj najbolji prijatelj'
Par je zaruke objavio u veljači, a Jennifer je priznala da prije Cookea nije razmišljala o braku. "Samo što sam upoznala Cooka htjela sam se udati za njega. Htjeli smo se vjenčati. Htjeli smo se potpuno obvezati i znate, on je moj najbolji prijatelj. Osjećam se vrlo počašćeno što ću biti Maroney", rekla je glumica za strane medije.

** PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY **Jennifer Lawrence and Cooke Maroney are spotted exiting the Manhattan Marriage Bureau in New York today, sparking speculation that the happy couple may have quietly tied the knot. They were spotted leaving, flanked by two security guards, two photographers, one of whom is famed rock 'n' roll photographer, Mark Seliger, and another woman who seems to be a friend of the couple. The couple, who seemed very happy, were rushed into an awaiting SUV and drove off. 16 Sep 2019, Image: 471483969, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
S Maroneyjem je u vezi od lipnja 2018. godine. Trenutno traže stan na Manhattanu, a izvor blizak Lawrence tvrdi da će se potruditi da ostanu u vezi dok ona radi. "Jen i Cooke imaju vrlo sretnu vezu, punu povjerenja", rekao je izvor.

** PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY **Jennifer Lawrence and Cooke Maroney are spotted exiting the Manhattan Marriage Bureau in New York today, sparking speculation that the happy couple may have quietly tied the knot. They were spotted leaving, flanked by two security guards, two photographers, one of whom is famed rock 'n' roll photographer, Mark Seliger, and another woman who seems to be a friend of the couple. The couple, who seemed very happy, were rushed into an awaiting SUV and drove off. 16 Sep 2019, Image: 471483962, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency