Danny ima dojam da otočani potiču Yewande da se ponaša onako kako bi on možda htio. No, to mu se baš i ne sviđa jer djeluje neiskreno. Yewande je Dannyja pitala što on želi, ali odgovor koji je dobila nije ju zadovoljio. Yewande se osjeća sve lošije zbog cijele situacije i poželjela je otići doma.

From ITV Studios
Love Island: SR5: Ep18 on ITV2
Pictured: Tom and Maura kiss.
This photograph is (C) ITV Plc and can only be reproduced for editorial purposes directly in connection with the programme or event mentioned above, or ITV plc. Once made available by ITV plc Picture Desk, this photograph can be reproduced once only up until the transmission [TX] date and no reproduction fee will be charged. Any subsequent usage may incur a fee. This photograph must not be manipulated [excluding basic cropping] in a manner which alters the visual appearance of the person photographed deemed detrimental or inappropriate by ITV plc Picture Desk. This photograph must not be syndicated to any other company, publication or website, or permanently archived, without the express written permission of ITV Picture Desk. Full Terms and conditions are available on the website www.itv.com/presscentre/itvpictures/terms
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Zatečena Maura
S obzirom da je Maura malo negodovala kad joj je Tom dao samo sedmicu u ljubljenju, kasnije ju je odveo na terasu. Nakon malo zezanja, Tom ju je zaskočio i strastveno poljubio.
Ples ljubavi
Curtis i Amy vratili su se sretni s fantastičnog spoja. Svojim prijateljima ispričali su kako su se lijepo proveli i izgladili sve nesuglasice. A zaplesali su i rumbu, što su kasnije demonstrirali pred svima.

From ITV Studios
Love Island: SR5: Ep18 on ITV2
Pictured: Girls challenge.
This photograph is (C) ITV Plc and can only be reproduced for editorial purposes directly in connection with the programme or event mentioned above, or ITV plc. Once made available by ITV plc Picture Desk, this photograph can be reproduced once only up until the transmission [TX] date and no reproduction fee will be charged. Any subsequent usage may incur a fee. This photograph must not be manipulated [excluding basic cropping] in a manner which alters the visual appearance of the person photographed deemed detrimental or inappropriate by ITV plc Picture Desk. This photograph must not be syndicated to any other company, publication or website, or permanently archived, without the express written permission of ITV Picture Desk. Full Terms and conditions are available on the website www.itv.com/presscentre/itvpictures/terms
For further information please contact: james.hilder@itv.com / 0207 157 3052
Trči, zečice trči
Djevojke su dobile poruku da će se natjecati u izazovu Zečice iz teretane. Preodjevene u zečice, djevojke moraju svladati izazove vježbi iz teretane dok ih njihovi odabranici treniraju.
Sretna zečica
Kao nagradu za pobjedu u izazovu Maura je dobila priliku pozvati dečka po svom izboru da s njom provede noć u skrovištu. S kim će Maura provesti noć, pogledajte u novoj epizodi "Love Islanda" na RTLplayu.

From ITV Studios
Love Island: SR5: Ep18 on ITV2
Pictured: Maura in beach hut.
This photograph is (C) ITV Plc and can only be reproduced for editorial purposes directly in connection with the programme or event mentioned above, or ITV plc. Once made available by ITV plc Picture Desk, this photograph can be reproduced once only up until the transmission [TX] date and no reproduction fee will be charged. Any subsequent usage may incur a fee. This photograph must not be manipulated [excluding basic cropping] in a manner which alters the visual appearance of the person photographed deemed detrimental or inappropriate by ITV plc Picture Desk. This photograph must not be syndicated to any other company, publication or website, or permanently archived, without the express written permission of ITV Picture Desk. Full Terms and conditions are available on the website www.itv.com/presscentre/itvpictures/terms
For further information please contact: james.hilder@itv.com / 0207 157 3052