Tuniski Esperance prvak je Afrike; Rasplet jednog od najvećih skandala proteklih godina

Foto: Profimedia

Esperance potvrđen je za nogometnog prvaka Afrike

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Tuniski klub Esperance potvrđen je za nogometnog prvaka Afrike odlukom Afričkog nogometnog saveza (CAF) nakon velikog skandala u finalu tog natjecanja.


June 1, 2019 - Rades, Tunisia - At the end of a final drawn for an hour and a half, Esperance Tunis (EST) was crowned champion of Africa entering the very closed circle of teams managing to keep the trophy two seasons in a row, facing the Wydad Casablanca (WAC), who refused to return to the field after a new dispute of arbitration at the hour of play (1-0)..What was to be a memorable celebration for African football finally turned into a fiasco. At the end of the night, at the Olympic Stadium in Radès, Image: 441101043, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press

Nakon dugotrajne procedure CAF je zaključio da je marokanski sastav Wydad Casablanca "odustao od finala" te pobjedu za zelenim stolom dodijelio Esperance Tunisu.

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June 1, 2019 - Rades, Tunisia - Hamdi Meddeb president of EST who celebrates the victory with the supporters.....At the end of a final drawn for an hour and a half, Esperance Tunis (EST) was crowned champion of Africa entering the very closed circle of teams managing to keep the trophy two seasons in a row, facing the Wydad Casablanca (WAC), who refused to return to the field after a new dispute of arbitration at the hour of play (1-0)..What was to be a memorable celebration for African football finally turned into a fiasco. At the end of the night, at the Olympic Stadium in Radès, Image: 441104434, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press

Prvi susret igran u Casablanci okončan je rezultatom 1-1, dok je uzvrat u Radesu prekinut u 59. minuti pri vodstvu Esperancea od 1-0 nakon što je poništen pogodak Wydada zbog zaleđa. Kako u trenutku postizanja spornog pogotka VAR nije bio u funkciji, igrači Wydada su iz protesta napustili travnjak.

CAF je prvotno odlučio da se odigra nova utakmica na neutralnom terenu, no Sud sportske arbitraže u Lausannei je tu odluku poništio.

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