Jedan od najvećih svjetskih boksača u teškoj kategoriji svih vremena Mike Tyson priznao je da je bio napušen kada se 2000. godine borio s Andrewom Golotom, javlja najčitaniji britanski tabloid The Sun.

Boxer Mike Tyson of the United States (L) and Andrew Golota of Poland trade punches during the second round of their fight at the Palace of Auburn Hills, Michigan, 20 October 2000. Galota refused to answer the bell for the third round of their fight. Tyson won the match on a TKO making this the 49th victory of his career. AFP PHOTO Daniel Lippitt (Photo by DANIEL LIPPITT / AFP)
"Iron Mike" uništio je Golotu u samo dvije runde borbe. Njegov protivnik pretrpio je slomljeni jagodičnu kost, potres mozga i ozljedu vrata. No, njegova moćna pobjeda bila je kratkog vijeka nakon što je bio pozitivan na droga test. Borba je proglašena bez pobjednika.

Heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson of the United States (R) lines up a punch in the second round on Andrew Golota of Poland at the Palace of Auburn Hills, Michigan, 20 October, 2000. Golota failed to answer the bell for the third round. Tyson won the match on a TKO making this the 49th victory of his career. AFP PHOTO/Jeff KOWALSKY (Photo by JEFF KOWALSKY / AFP)
Začuđuje kako se Tyson dobro borio pod utjecajem marihuane
No, začuđuje kako se Tyson dobro borio pod utjecajem marihuane. Nije bio niti malo sporiji. Baš naprotiv, razvalio je Golotu. U ovom meču, u biti, ogledalo je njegove čitave veličanstvene, ali i kontroverzne karijere. Sad je i priznao da je pušio travu prije meča. Govoreći u "Dan Patrick Showu", istaknuo je:

Heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson of the United States (L) lines up a punch in the second round on Andrew Golota of Poland at the Palace of Auburn Hills, Michigan 20 October, 2000. Golota failed to answer the bell for the third round. Tyson won the match on a TKO making this the 49th victory of his career. AFP PHOTO Jeff KOWALSKY (Photo by JEFF KOWALSKY / AFP)
'To je bio jedini put da sam se napušen borio'
"To sam napravio samo taj put kad sam se borio. Kad sam se borio s Golotom, to je bio jedini put da sam se napušen borio. Pušenje trave prije meča niti malo nije utjecalo na mene".
Tyson, koji je ranije ove godine otvorio ranč kanabisa od 40 hektara, pretrpio je šok kada mu je Buster Douglas nanio prvi poraz u karijeri 1990. godine.

Heavyweight boxer Andrew Golota of Poland gets up after being knocked down by Mike Tyson of the United States (obscured) in the first round at the Palace of Auburn Hills, Michigan, 20 October, 2000. Golota failed to answer the bell for the third round. Tyson won the match on a TKO making this the 49th victory of his career. AFP PHOTO Jeff KOWALSKY (Photo by JEFF KOWALSKY / AFP)
Douglas, nevjerojatan 42-godišnjak, priznao je nakon toga da mu je majka umrla 23 dana prije, što ga je inspiriralo na jednu od najvećih pobjeda u boksu"