MICHIGAN, USA: Jamie with her flat chest. THIS MUM is proving flat is beautiful in stunning topless photographs after surviving breast cancer and a double mastectomy. Owner and founder of Spero-Hope, Jamie Lee (41) from Saint Joseph, Michigan, USA, had just stopped breastfeeding her youngest son in 2012 when she noticed a shooting pain in her chest and felt a lump in her breast. Jamie went to see her doctor who thought that the lump was a benign cyst but to be on the safe side an ultrasound and biopsy was ordered. On December 14, 2012, Jamie received the devastating news that she had breast cancer. Terrified and with two young children who she wanted to see grow up, Jamie decided that the best course of action was to have the most aggressive treatment available. Jamie underwent a bilateral mastectomy which was followed up with several rounds of gruelling chemotherapy which she completed on April 4, 2013. Jamie?s treatment plan was considered radical at the time but she was determined to do everything in her power to beat cancer and thrive. After chemotherapy, Jamie had an oophorectomy to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes as her type of cancer was fuelled by hormones. Jamie had always planned to have a breast reconstruction after her treatment had finished but in the early stages of the reconstruction process, she contracted an infection which left her hospitalised for a week. After this ordeal she decided that she would learn to love her body without boobs. Jamie has never regretted her decision to go ?flat? but taking part in a photoshoot for her local hospital?s mammogram studio gave her confirmation that she could still feel feminine with a flat chest. Jamie views her scars as a symbol of her warrior strength and she shares her story on social media to raise awareness of the importance of people regularly checking their breasts. Mediadrumworld/Jamie Lee,Image: 564679762, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD23000968010000934800009f4f000094590000d587000057c70000dbca0000af4f010034790100707b0100, Model Release: no
ZAR JE BEZ GRUDI MANJE ŽENSTVENA? Hrabra mama pozirala u toplesu nakon što su joj odstranili - obje dojke

Tek što je prestala dojiti svoga najmlađeg sina 2012. godine, osjetila je oštru bol u grudima. Samopregledom je otkrila kvržicu na dojci.

Jamie Lee (41) iz Michigana u SAD-u preživjela je rak dojke i dvostruku mastektomiju - postupak potpunoga uklanjanja grudi.

Ova mama svojim fotografijama u toplesu dokazuje kako žena bez grudi nije manje ženstvena samo zato što joj više nije potreban grudnjak.

Njezin je liječnik isprva mislio da je riječ o dobroćudnoj cisti, ali ultrazvuk i biopsija pokazale su ono od čega je Jamie najviše strahovala.

Tumor joj je uspješno odstranjen, zajedno s objema dojkama. Bila je to mjera opreza koju je Jamie morala provesti kako bi smanjila rizik od povratka zloćudne bolesti.

Danas ova majka ponosno pokazuje svoje ožiljke i pozira u toplesu kako bi ohrabrila druge žene da ne preskaču redovite kontrole dojki, ali i da život bez njih nije tako strašan kao što mnogi misle.