Dok su čekali na fotografiranje s djedicom, beba je zaspala. Kada su stigli na red, Djed Božićnjak je rekao roditeljima da ju ne bude i nastala je ova fotografija
While waiting in line to see Santa, this baby fell asleep. When it came time for the picture, Santa told the parents not to wake him. from r/pics
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Ovaj pas se trebao fotkati s Djedom Božićnjakom, a ne pojesti ga
I took my dog to take a Christmas picture with Santa and she ate him from r/funny
Prvi susret s Djedom Božićnjakom u 92. godini života
My 92 year old grandma said she's never been to see Santa. Change of plans this Christmas. from r/pics
"Moj Djed Božićnjak ne stari (1997. - 2017.)"
My Santa doesn’t age (1997-2017) from r/pics
Prvi susret s Djedom Božićnjakom
So, my dog met Santa Claus from r/funny
Curica sa stavom
"Fuck you, Santa" My favorite shot from our Christmas shoot this year.
Oposovala u prisutstvu Djeda Božićnjaka
My Mom said "Damn" in front of Santa. This was the reaction. from r/pics
Nije oduševljena. Ni blizu...
We dressed up our 18 month old daughter to see Santa. She was not pleased. from r/funny
Iskre frcaju na sve strane
This woman took her cats to a department store to visit Santa and as you can see it went quite well from r/funny
Koliko djece vidite na fotografiji?
My nephew meeting Santa for the first time from r/funny
Jedna uobičajena fotografija
What could possibly go wrong? from r/funny
Neočekivani spoj!
My friend is Santa at Bass Pro (among other places). He had an unexpected visitor. from r/funny