Operite ruke toplom vodom
Sink at my fertility doctor's office in the "collection room" (SFW) from r/funny
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Ne zaboravite očisititi zube nakon svakog jela
my cousin just came back from the dentist from r/FellowKids
Stolica izgleda prilično čvrsto
Waiting for my doctor's appointment when suddenly... from r/funny
Sve ruke su radile kako bi božićno drvce bilo spremno
You know you work in a hospital when the christmas decorations look like this....
Malo pretjerano, ali kirurginja je kraljica
When you work OR but have costume FOMO from r/nursing
Djeci je ovako ipak lakše
My best friend is a dentist and this is awesome. from r/funny
Život je kratak, smijte se dok imate zube
This was in my dentist's waiting room. from r/funny
Zamislite da se probudite usred operacije
I work in an Operating Room and we had a face painter come into work. This is what patient see as they are coming out of anesthesia. from r/pics
Brz i obvezan pregled očiju
Toilet lid at the eye doctors from r/mildlyinteresting
Čekaonica kod stomatologa može biti uzbudljivo mjesto
This dentist's waiting room from r/ATBGE