SEATTLE, USA: Misty receives dozens of messages a week on Instagram, with one man even offering her Ł3,700 to breastfeed directly from her. MEET THE mum with THREE sets of twins ? who is swarmed with lewd messages from breastfeeding fetishists posing as women in need of breast milk and men asking to be fed. Medical student Misty Lang (38) from Seattle, USA, is mum to Alex (12), Lexie (12), Calista (10), Nash (8), Lacie (8), Phoenix (3) and Lana (3). The busy mother-of-seven shares pictures on social media of her breastfeeding her youngest children, Phoenix and Lana. Misty can pump more than 40-ounces in one sitting, which is more than she needs, and so Misty decided to start donating her excess milk in 2008. When she advertised that she was donating milk, she received an influx of messages from ?volume chasers? ? people with an attraction to women producing excessive amounts of breast milk. Misty considers it sexual harassment and says some men have posed as women or fathers whose wives need breastfeeding advice in a bid to get close to her - with one even pretending to be a research scientist. She believes it is partly due to her having large breasts and being able to pump so much milk in one sitting, calling it ?their wet dream come true.? Misty receives dozens of messages a week on Instagram, with one man even offering her Ł3,700 to breastfeed directly from her. She says her response to such messages depends on her mood and the content of the message. Often, she blocks inappropriate messages, but she has replied to some in the hopes of better understanding their motive. Misty believes some of the men are sexualising breastfeeding whereas others are seeking an emotional and maternal relationship, possibly due to childhood trauma. Although she finds sharing breastfeeding pictures more off-putting following the response, Misty is passionate about helping other women and normalising breastfeeding. She is currently studying as a doctor and is planning to become a surr,Image: 572826221, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
MAJKA NA METI FETIŠISTA: Perverznjaci je preklinju da ih - podoji. Kad vidite što može s grudima, sve će vam biti jasno


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Ta je količina svakako veća nego što joj treba, stoga je Misty odlučila početi donirati svoj višak mlijeka još 2008. godine, a tu praksu slijedi i danas.

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Misty može ispumpati više od jedne litre mlijeka u komadu.

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Zaposlena majka sedmero djece na društvenim mrežama dijeli slike dojenja svojih najmlađih blizanaca - Phoenixa i Lane.

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Ova majka, koja je triput rodila blizance, konstantno je na meti fetišista na dojenje, koji joj šalju neprimjerene poruke na društvenim mrežama: mame koje nemaju mlijeka mole je da im uskoči, a muški perverznjaci javljaju se u želji da nahrani - njih.

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Misty Lang (38) iz Seattla u SAD-u mama je Alexu (12), Lexie (12), Calisti (10), Nashu (8), Lacie (8), Phoenixu (3) i Lani (3).

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