Pravi čuvar
Only a week old and they are already best friends
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Najljepše spavanje
6'1" 200 lb man + 65 lb 8-year-old golden retriever = best friends
Društvo je važno
Uvijek je tu
Best Friends
Najbolji jastuk
My boyfriend rescues Great Pyrenees dogs (BEARS!). She'd probably crush me if she sat on me, but she makes a nice cuddle buddy.
Podrška i ponos
She and her service dog graduated together
Podrška i ponos
I always come home to hugs and kisses from my man...
Meet Navi, My new best friend!
Najbolji prijatelji
They are best friends.
Vrijeme za nježnost
My sister's dog and cat are best friends!