"Zaspao sam na sestrinom kauču i ovo me probudilo"
Fell asleep on my sister's couch, woke up to this. from r/funny
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
"Upravo sam se probudio. Mislim da oni čekaju poklone..."
Just woke up to this. I think they want their Xmas presents now.. from r/aww
Evo što se dogodi ostavite li odijelo na podu preko noći
Left suit on floor. Woke up to this.
"Probudio sam se, a moj me gušter ovako gledao"
Woke up to my lizard looking at me like this... from r/funny
"Ovo definitivno nije prva stvar koju želim ugledati kada otvorim oči"
Zna se tko je šef
Bought a cat bed the other day. Woke up to this. from r/aww
Dobro jutro, čovječe!
Woke up to this face from r/aww
"Pas je legao na mjesto moje djevojke nakon što je ona otišla na posao. Ovo sam ugledao kad sam se probudio"
My dog takes my girlfriend's spot when she leaves for work. This is what I woke up to today from r/aww
Njuška koja budi iz popodnevnog sna
How my neighbors dog woke me up from a nap in the sun. from r/funny
Za sve ima mjesta na krevetu
These 3 assholes woke me up early for no reason but to do this. from r/aww
"Jastuk je eksplodirao dok si spavao. Kunem se"
Ostavio je otvoren prozor i zatekao nepozvanog gosta na spavanju
woke up the other night after leaving my window open for fresh air. didnt expect this home invader! from r/aww
"Prizor koji vidim čim otvorim oči, otkad se curina mačka uselila"
The View I wake up to Every Morning Now That the Girlfriend's Cat Has Moved in..
"Ugledao sam ovo kada sam se jutros probudio. Moram priznati, žena mi izgleda potpuno drugačije bez šminke"
Woke up this morning to this and I have to say, my wife looks a lot different without make up. from r/funny
Ne smije na krevet pa drži stražnje noge na podu.
Woke up to this. He isn't allowed on the bed so he kept his hind legs on the floor. from r/aww
"Njuška koju vidim kad se probudim i njuška kada shvati da sam budan"
What I see when I wake up, and his face when he realizes I’m awake from r/aww