Vodi me u šetnju!
If I fit from r/AnimalsBeingJerks
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Kad pas sprema krevet
My dog made my bed more comfortable...for him! from r/AnimalsBeingJerks
Sada se mora odmoriti
CTTO so cute
Mačka nema granica!
This is our cat Charlotte. She is not familiar with boundaries, and has exactly zero shame. from r/AnimalsBeingJerks
Udobno je ovdje ležati
Oh! What a lovely little garden! Be a shame if someone were to...*crush them all* from r/AnimalsBeingJerks
Dosta je bilo učenja!
Every time I try to do homework. from r/CatsAreAssholes
Potrebne su nam promjene
So my friend decided to leave her pet timber wolf unattended from r/funny
Mjesto ispod sunca
Cats are assholes from r/CatsAreAssholes
Radim što želim
Canine Anarchy from r/firstworldanarchists
Potrebni su mi izazovi
This is what I woke up to today. Jerk. from r/funny