Što je udobnije i mekše od dva zida?
Bae caught me slippin from r/funny
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
"Mislim da je moj pas slomljen"
I think my dog is broken from r/funny
"Na zadnjem sjedištu moga auta, oooooooo"
It was slightly unsettling to look back and find my dog sleeping like this. from r/funny
Sve četiri u zrak
This is Leela. She sleeps like this. It just ain't right. from r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog
Kauč ili fotelja? Najbolje oboje
I'm so tired from r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog
Ralph je sladak kao bombončić
This is Ralph. Ralph likes to nap. from r/aww
Najljepše je spavati na njezinom ramenu
This is how my dog is sleeping right now... from r/aww
Sad hrana sigurno neće pobjeći
So my friend's dog fell asleep with her face in her bowl... from r/aww
she sleeps in very odd positions from r/aww
Krenuo s kauča na tabure pa putem zaspao
She sleeps like a princess. from r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog
Stoji i spava
My aunts weiner dog fell asleep while begging from r/aww