Izgleda kao da je ispričala odličan vic i sad je ponosna na sebe
My cat looks like he just told his favorite joke and he’s so proud of himself from r/aww
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Šapice za poželjeti
Legs tho from r/aww
Prestalo je kišiti, ali on voli skakati u lokve pa mora nositi kabanicu
It stopped raining but he wanted to jump in puddles so he wore his raincoat anyways from r/rarepuppers
"Ovo je naša draga, stara dama. Bole ju zglobovi pa pije lijekove, a otkrili smo i da joj pomažu tople kupke"
This is my sweet little old lady. She has some pretty bad joint pain and takes pain meds daily. We found that letting her soak in warm water helps her a ton! from r/aww
Kada se osjećaš sigurno kraj svog čovjeka
Adorable Puss on Boots from r/aww
Ovo se zove puno povjerenje u liječnika
I know you are helping me from r/aww
Nisu samo mačke slatke
I can haz wormie? from r/aww
"Malo je niži, no što je rekao na Tinderu, ali se sredio za večeras"
He’s a little shorter than what his tinder profile said but at least he dressed up for tonight! from r/aww
Dubok san
I’ve posted this bed before, but this photo was just too good. from r/aww
Spremna za avanturu!
The picture that made my cat famous for 6 months from r/aww
Udomili su ga prije tjedan dana. U početku je bio prestrašen, no odlučio im je vjerovati. Ovo je fotografija snimljena četiri dana kasnije.
Adopted this guy a week ago. Was scared of everything, but decided to trust me. Four days later, and he is a very good boy with his very first OWN squeaky toy ❤️ from r/aww
"Moja je žena htjela psa, ali smo dobili mačku. Ona je sada 'cat lady'"
Wife wanted a male dog. We got a female cat. She is a cat lady now. from r/aww
"Jesam li ja zaista dobar dečko?"
Am I the good boy? Really?? from r/aww
"Moj mačak je anksiozan pa smo mu doveli mlađu sestricu"
My cat had anxiety issues, so we adopted a little sister for him. from r/aww
"12 godina smo zajedno i on se i dalje boji za moj život svaki put kada se kupam"
12 years together and he still fears for my life every time I take a bath. from r/aww
Netko je pojeo dugu!
My son’s dog with a prism refraction on its tongue. from r/aww
My cat Grif really enjoys our fireplace from r/aww