Morao je ugraditi kameru kako bi provjerio zašto noću ne može disati
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Okrenuo je glavu samo na sekundu
MOAR SPAGHETTI, LITTLE HUMAN! from r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog
Voli iskopati rupu, zatim sjesti u nju i tako provesti cijeli dan
He likes to dig a hole and then sit in it and watch things go on all day. from r/AnimalsBeingDerps
Samo na sekundu se osjeća krivo
She looked guilty for a split second, then continued on her rampage from r/CatsAreAssholes
Nekad je postojao papir
RIP my wrapping paper. Literally. from r/CatsAreAssholes
Omiljeno mjesto
My dog is always on pot from r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog
Ovi papiri više nisu važni
Treba paziti da se namirnice stavljaju na mjesto
Forgot to put my butter away. F* cats. from r/CatsAreAssholes
Kad vas ovako pogleda sve ćete oprostiti
Meet Goten. The reason we have to hide our toilet paper in a cabinet. from r/CatsAreAssholes
Svako mjesto je dobro za odmor
Took some clothes out of storage. Left the room for 15 seconds, came back to this. from r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat
Jutarnje buđenje može izgledati i ovako
What I woke up to this morning. Just awesome. from r/CatsAreAssholes
Odlično mjesto za malo se napiti vode
Seems like a good spot to take a drink from r/AnimalsBeingDerps
Treba promatrati sa stilom
His Royal Woofness from r/rarepuppers