Ashleigh replicating Kim Kardashian's photoshoot. AUSTRALIA: TROLLS bombarded this woman with hate and even wished CANCER on her after she shared her semi-nude plus sized pictures online. Nursing assistant, Ashleigh Atkins (24) from the Blue Mountains, Australia, says that the hate she received after starting a ?fat positive? TikTok account was so severe that she decided to quit social media three times this year as the vitriol was quickly ruining her life. The 16st 7, size 20 model who frequently posts nude or semi-nude images from her photoshoots on Instagram, first got into modelling at the age of 19. Since then she has amassed a following of well over 100K on Instagram. She says that the majority of her followers are wonderful people who comment on her pictures telling her that she has inspired them to love their own bodies. However, a select few trolls have caused Ashleigh intense stress and anxiety, commenting that she is too fat, damaging her health and that her stomach is disgusting. But after a few months offline, Ashleigh is keener than ever to show that a person?s size or shape doesn?t determine their value. She says that modelling has allowed her to feel empowered and the anonymous voices of a few mean spirited individuals isn?t going to stop her from doing what she loves. But with the support of her family, friends and her MMA fighter boyfriend Ben of five years, Ashleigh is certain that the future will be a bright one for her. / Ashleigh Atkins,Image: 555705513, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD230009690100009b3f0000e94d0000a55c000094a7000044dd00005f0701008e450100b56e01003e880100, Model Release: no
ZBOG OVIH FOTOGRAFIJA TROLOVI JOJ PRIJETE SMRĆU: Da, ima višak kilograma. Da, pozirala je gola. Ali tolika količina mržnje...


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Trolovi su ovu ženu zasuli nazapamćenim porukama mržnje, pa čak joj željeli i da oboli od raka, nakon što je objavila svoje polugole fotografije.

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Australka Ashleigh Atkins (24) ispričala je kako je mržnja koju je dobivala zbog promicanja pozitivnosti prema debljini bila toliko ozbiljna da je bila primorana čak triput ugasiti svoje profile na društvenim mrežama ove godine.

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Pogledajte sporne fotografije zbog kojih je ova njegovateljica dobivala prijeteće poruke i procijenite je li uistinu zaslužila takav ogavni tretman.

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