BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA, USA: Theresa before her fitness transformation. MEET THE woman with incredible SIXTEEN-INCH biceps who is often mistaken for a MAN and has been labelled ?DISGUSTING? by trolls online. Personal trainer, fitness model, entrepreneur and professional bodybuilder Theresa Ivancik (37) from Butler, Pennsylvania, USA, has had an interest in lifting weights since she was a teenager but because she didn?t know where to start, Theresa worked out using fitness tapes instead. When she was 20, Theresa opened a fitness magazine and told herself that she wanted to achieve the same muscular physique as the incredible women within its pages. In 2007, Theresa trained for her first bodybuilding competition. After this, she met her now-fiancé Jeff Haran (50), a trainer who specialises in fitness and bodybuilding competitions, to help elevate her training. Jeff told her that she would have to increase her calorie intake from 800 to 1,800 if she wanted to thrive in bodybuilding and fearful of eating more, Theresa put her dreams on hold for several months. In 2008, Theresa started working with Jeff to achieve her dreams of becoming a personal trainer and IFBB professional athlete. Theresa learnt that food was vital for fuelling her body and stopped the disordered eating that was holding her back from achieving her goals. Since then, Theresa has competed in countless bodybuilding contests including the Olympia contest. In 2020, Theresa?s enviable physique earnt her seventh in the world at the Rising Phoenix World Championships. At 10st 10lb, Theresa trains three days in a row in a push, pull, legs split in which she focuses on a different area of her body before taking a day off. Theresa has had to adhere to strict diets to achieve the results she has and a typical day of meals when she is in preparation for a comp consists of egg white, spinach and coffee for meal one; cod, rice and courgette for meal two; chicken, rice and broccoli for meal three; cod rice and courge,Image: 584445987, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
MNOGI MISLE DA JE ONA ZAPRAVO - MUŠKARAC: Jadnoj ženi pukao film i skinula se do gola. Sada će joj valjda konačno povjerovati

Ali onda je odlučila poslušati njegove savjete i sada izgleda ovako. Od tada se Theresa natjecala na brojnim natjecanjima u bodybuildingu. Godine 2020. njezina zavidna građa donijela joj je sedmo mjesto na svjetskom prvenstvu u Phoenixu.

Osobna trenerica, fitness model, poduzetnica i profesionalna bodybuilderica Theresa Ivancik (37) iz Pennsylvanije zanimala se za dizanje utega još od tinejdžerske dobi, ali budući da nije znala odakle početi, započela je tako što je kod kuće pratila videovodiče.

S obujmom bicepsa od nevjerojatnih 40 centimetara, Theresu često zamjenjuju za muškarca, a internetski trolovi nazivaju je "odvratnom". Ona se, kako kaže, na zle jezike ne obazire.

Nakon toga, upoznala je svog sadašnjeg zaručnika Jeffa Harana (50), trenera koji se specijalizirao za natjecanja u fitnessu i bodybuildingu i on joj je pomogao podići trening. Jeff joj je rekao da će morati povećati unos kalorija sa 800 na 1800 ako želi napredovati u bodybuildingu. Bojeći se više jesti, Theresa je svoje snove stavila na čekanje nekoliko mjeseci.

Kada je imala 20 godina, Theresa je pokrenula fitness magazin i rekla si da želi postići istu mišićavu tjelesnu građu kao i nevjerojatne žene na njezinim stranicama. Godine 2007. već je trenirala za svoje prvo bodybuilding natjecanje.