ODESSA, UKRAINE: Alena loves her hair and is proud of the length she has achieved. THIS SELF-PROCLAIMED real-life Rapunzel says her six-and-a-half-foot long blonde hair means that she is always the centre of attention because men love it. Business owner Alena Kravchenko (35) from Odessa, Ukraine, has been growing her natural long blonde hair ever since she was five years old after her mother told her women should have long hair. These words stuck with Alena and she has been growing her beautiful blonde locks for 30 years to reach the jaw-dropping length of six-feet-six-inches ? which is longer than her five-feet-six-inch tall frame and means she sometimes steps on her hair when it is hanging loose. Alena washes her hair just once a week in a process which takes 30 minutes and never combs her hair whilst wet to prevent breakages nor does she use a heat to dry it, preferring to air dry her hair naturally. Alongside her simple haircare routine, Alena uses hair masks and head massages to keep her mane looking sleek. According to Alena, anyone can achieve the same impressive hair length as she has if they have the patience and aspiration to let their hair grow. Men love Alena?s hair for its stunning length and natural blonde colour, and she admits she is always the centre of attention both online and when she is out in public with people asking to touch her hair and to take pictures with her. Alena shares gorgeous modelling shots on Instagram under the handle @alenuwka_longhair, where she showcases her beautiful natural hair and has garnered an incredible 57.1K followers who all admire her stunning look. Mediadrumworld/@alenuwka_longhair,Image: 610688521, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD2300096a010000592e00006e3b0000fc5500009ff30000ab380100ca7901000bbc010040ff0100483c0200, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ALENA POSLUŠALA MAMU I SAD JE SENZACIJA: Njen glavni atribut mjeri skoro 2 metra, ali ovaj drugi je, khm, zanimljiviji


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Ima kosu dugu 1,8 metara zbog čega je nazivaju i ukrajinskom Zlatokosom. Dodaje da joj se sviđa izgled princeze iz bajke i zato nikad nije razmišljala o promjeni boje kose. FOTO: Profimedia

"Majka mi je rekla da žene trebaju imati dugu kosu", rekla je Alena. Ove su joj se riječi urezale u pamćenje. FOTO: Profimedia

FOTO: Profimedia

FOTO: Profimedia

FOTO: Profimedia

FOTO: Profimedia

FOTO: Profimedia

FOTO: Profimedia

FOTO: Profimedia

FOTO: Profimedia

FOTO: Profimedia

FOTO: Profimedia

FOTO: Profimedia

FOTO: Profimedia