Velebna rezidencija na Azurnoj obali, koja je pripadala Seanu Conneryju, prodaje se za vrtoglavih 25 milijuna funti, odnosno oko 210 milijuna kuna.
Legendarni glumac preminuo je 31. listopada u 91. godini života i iza sebe ostavio suprugu Micheline Roquebrune, sina Jasona, ali i mnoštvo vrijednih nekretnina.

Photo © 2020: Knight-Frank via The Grosby Group The beautiful French villa that once belonged to Sean Connery is for sale at $ 34 Million Dollars. Overlooking the sea in Cap de Nice in the south of France, only 30 minutes from Monaco and Cannes. Connery lived here with his wife for twelve years before going to live in the Bahamas, where he passed away on Oct. 31st. The villa features six floors with more than 10,700 square feet of living space, and is surrounded by 1.25 acres of landscaped grounds. Though people might refer to it as the James Bond villa, itŐs real name is Le Roc Fleuri Đ which translates to Ňthe flowery rockÓ. There are eight bedrooms which look out over the Mediterranean sea, with the master suite stretching out over the entire top floor. The master suite has two separate bathrooms as well as a generous dressing room. ThereŐs also two separate secluded guest villas with their own bedrooms and living rooms. Some of the amenities are a wine cellar, a gym, an office and a steam room. An elevator and stone staircase navigate the six-story floor plan, and up top, a spiral staircase ascends to a scenic rooftop deck ideal for entertaining,Image: 567498078, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Vila na Francuskoj rivijeri sagrađena je dvadesetih godina prošlog stoljeća i prostire se na 24 hektara. Nalazi se 30 minuta od Cannesa i Monaca i ima prekrasan pogled na Cap de Nice. Ima i dvije dodatne gostinjske kuće, a u luksuznom zdanju snimale su se i neke scene o Jamesu Bondu "Nikad ne reci nikad".

Photo © 2020: Knight-Frank via The Grosby Group The beautiful French villa that once belonged to Sean Connery is for sale at $ 34 Million Dollars. Overlooking the sea in Cap de Nice in the south of France, only 30 minutes from Monaco and Cannes. Connery lived here with his wife for twelve years before going to live in the Bahamas, where he passed away on Oct. 31st. The villa features six floors with more than 10,700 square feet of living space, and is surrounded by 1.25 acres of landscaped grounds. Though people might refer to it as the James Bond villa, itŐs real name is Le Roc Fleuri Đ which translates to Ňthe flowery rockÓ. There are eight bedrooms which look out over the Mediterranean sea, with the master suite stretching out over the entire top floor. The master suite has two separate bathrooms as well as a generous dressing room. ThereŐs also two separate secluded guest villas with their own bedrooms and living rooms. Some of the amenities are a wine cellar, a gym, an office and a steam room. An elevator and stone staircase navigate the six-story floor plan, and up top, a spiral staircase ascends to a scenic rooftop deck ideal for entertaining,Image: 567498082, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Rezidencija ima pet spavaćih soba, tri salona, teretanu, pet kupaonica, sobu za fitness i dva bazena. Ima i vinski podrum, veliku ostavu i stan za osoblje iznad garaže. Uređena je u klasičnom francuskom stilu i ima prostranu okućnicu.

Photo © 2020: Knight-Frank via The Grosby Group The beautiful French villa that once belonged to Sean Connery is for sale at $ 34 Million Dollars. Overlooking the sea in Cap de Nice in the south of France, only 30 minutes from Monaco and Cannes. Connery lived here with his wife for twelve years before going to live in the Bahamas, where he passed away on Oct. 31st. The villa features six floors with more than 10,700 square feet of living space, and is surrounded by 1.25 acres of landscaped grounds. Though people might refer to it as the James Bond villa, itŐs real name is Le Roc Fleuri Đ which translates to Ňthe flowery rockÓ. There are eight bedrooms which look out over the Mediterranean sea, with the master suite stretching out over the entire top floor. The master suite has two separate bathrooms as well as a generous dressing room. ThereŐs also two separate secluded guest villas with their own bedrooms and living rooms. Some of the amenities are a wine cellar, a gym, an office and a steam room. An elevator and stone staircase navigate the six-story floor plan, and up top, a spiral staircase ascends to a scenic rooftop deck ideal for entertaining,Image: 567498047, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Photo © 2020: Knight-Frank via The Grosby Group The beautiful French villa that once belonged to Sean Connery is for sale at $ 34 Million Dollars. Overlooking the sea in Cap de Nice in the south of France, only 30 minutes from Monaco and Cannes. Connery lived here with his wife for twelve years before going to live in the Bahamas, where he passed away on Oct. 31st. The villa features six floors with more than 10,700 square feet of living space, and is surrounded by 1.25 acres of landscaped grounds. Though people might refer to it as the James Bond villa, itŐs real name is Le Roc Fleuri Đ which translates to Ňthe flowery rockÓ. There are eight bedrooms which look out over the Mediterranean sea, with the master suite stretching out over the entire top floor. The master suite has two separate bathrooms as well as a generous dressing room. ThereŐs also two separate secluded guest villas with their own bedrooms and living rooms. Some of the amenities are a wine cellar, a gym, an office and a steam room. An elevator and stone staircase navigate the six-story floor plan, and up top, a spiral staircase ascends to a scenic rooftop deck ideal for entertaining,Image: 567498085, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Photo © 2020: Knight-Frank via The Grosby Group The beautiful French villa that once belonged to Sean Connery is for sale at $ 34 Million Dollars. Overlooking the sea in Cap de Nice in the south of France, only 30 minutes from Monaco and Cannes. Connery lived here with his wife for twelve years before going to live in the Bahamas, where he passed away on Oct. 31st. The villa features six floors with more than 10,700 square feet of living space, and is surrounded by 1.25 acres of landscaped grounds. Though people might refer to it as the James Bond villa, itŐs real name is Le Roc Fleuri Đ which translates to Ňthe flowery rockÓ. There are eight bedrooms which look out over the Mediterranean sea, with the master suite stretching out over the entire top floor. The master suite has two separate bathrooms as well as a generous dressing room. ThereŐs also two separate secluded guest villas with their own bedrooms and living rooms. Some of the amenities are a wine cellar, a gym, an office and a steam room. An elevator and stone staircase navigate the six-story floor plan, and up top, a spiral staircase ascends to a scenic rooftop deck ideal for entertaining,Image: 567498051, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Photo © 2020: Knight-Frank via The Grosby Group The beautiful French villa that once belonged to Sean Connery is for sale at $ 34 Million Dollars. Overlooking the sea in Cap de Nice in the south of France, only 30 minutes from Monaco and Cannes. Connery lived here with his wife for twelve years before going to live in the Bahamas, where he passed away on Oct. 31st. The villa features six floors with more than 10,700 square feet of living space, and is surrounded by 1.25 acres of landscaped grounds. Though people might refer to it as the James Bond villa, itŐs real name is Le Roc Fleuri Đ which translates to Ňthe flowery rockÓ. There are eight bedrooms which look out over the Mediterranean sea, with the master suite stretching out over the entire top floor. The master suite has two separate bathrooms as well as a generous dressing room. ThereŐs also two separate secluded guest villas with their own bedrooms and living rooms. Some of the amenities are a wine cellar, a gym, an office and a steam room. An elevator and stone staircase navigate the six-story floor plan, and up top, a spiral staircase ascends to a scenic rooftop deck ideal for entertaining,Image: 567498090, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Photo © 2020: Knight-Frank via The Grosby Group The beautiful French villa that once belonged to Sean Connery is for sale at $ 34 Million Dollars. Overlooking the sea in Cap de Nice in the south of France, only 30 minutes from Monaco and Cannes. Connery lived here with his wife for twelve years before going to live in the Bahamas, where he passed away on Oct. 31st. The villa features six floors with more than 10,700 square feet of living space, and is surrounded by 1.25 acres of landscaped grounds. Though people might refer to it as the James Bond villa, itŐs real name is Le Roc Fleuri Đ which translates to Ňthe flowery rockÓ. There are eight bedrooms which look out over the Mediterranean sea, with the master suite stretching out over the entire top floor. The master suite has two separate bathrooms as well as a generous dressing room. ThereŐs also two separate secluded guest villas with their own bedrooms and living rooms. Some of the amenities are a wine cellar, a gym, an office and a steam room. An elevator and stone staircase navigate the six-story floor plan, and up top, a spiral staircase ascends to a scenic rooftop deck ideal for entertaining,Image: 567498061, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Photo © 2020: Knight-Frank via The Grosby Group The beautiful French villa that once belonged to Sean Connery is for sale at $ 34 Million Dollars. Overlooking the sea in Cap de Nice in the south of France, only 30 minutes from Monaco and Cannes. Connery lived here with his wife for twelve years before going to live in the Bahamas, where he passed away on Oct. 31st. The villa features six floors with more than 10,700 square feet of living space, and is surrounded by 1.25 acres of landscaped grounds. Though people might refer to it as the James Bond villa, itŐs real name is Le Roc Fleuri Đ which translates to Ňthe flowery rockÓ. There are eight bedrooms which look out over the Mediterranean sea, with the master suite stretching out over the entire top floor. The master suite has two separate bathrooms as well as a generous dressing room. ThereŐs also two separate secluded guest villas with their own bedrooms and living rooms. Some of the amenities are a wine cellar, a gym, an office and a steam room. An elevator and stone staircase navigate the six-story floor plan, and up top, a spiral staircase ascends to a scenic rooftop deck ideal for entertaining,Image: 567498049, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Photo © 2020: Knight-Frank via The Grosby Group The beautiful French villa that once belonged to Sean Connery is for sale at $ 34 Million Dollars. Overlooking the sea in Cap de Nice in the south of France, only 30 minutes from Monaco and Cannes. Connery lived here with his wife for twelve years before going to live in the Bahamas, where he passed away on Oct. 31st. The villa features six floors with more than 10,700 square feet of living space, and is surrounded by 1.25 acres of landscaped grounds. Though people might refer to it as the James Bond villa, itŐs real name is Le Roc Fleuri Đ which translates to Ňthe flowery rockÓ. There are eight bedrooms which look out over the Mediterranean sea, with the master suite stretching out over the entire top floor. The master suite has two separate bathrooms as well as a generous dressing room. ThereŐs also two separate secluded guest villas with their own bedrooms and living rooms. Some of the amenities are a wine cellar, a gym, an office and a steam room. An elevator and stone staircase navigate the six-story floor plan, and up top, a spiral staircase ascends to a scenic rooftop deck ideal for entertaining,Image: 567498039, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no