Glumac Jerry Stiller, javnosti poznat po ulogama u serijama Seinfeld i Kralj Queensa, preminuo je u 93. godini. Vijest o smrti potvrdio je njegov sin, glumac Ben Stiller. "S tugom objavljujem da je moj otac, Jerry Stiller, umro prirodnom smrću. Bio je divan otac i djed te najposvećeniji muž supruzi Anne čak 62 godine. Jako će nam nedostajati. Volim te tata", napisao je na Twitteru.

Jerry Stiller 03/17/09 "I Love You, Man" Premiere @ Mann's Village Theatre, Westwood, Image: 390944384, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For Editorial Use Only, Model Release: no, Credit line: HNW/PictureLux / Hollywood Archive / Profimedia
Jerryjeva supruga, glumica i komičarka Anne Meara, preminula je 2015. godine u 86. godini.
Jerry Stiller proslavio se ulogom Franka Costanze, oca Georgea Costanze u seriji Seinfeld.

May 23, 2015 - ANNE MEARA (September 20, 1929 - May 23, 2015) was an American actress and comedian. Along with her husband, Jerry Stiller, she was one-half of a prominent 1960s comedy team, Stiller and Meara. She was also featured on stage, television, in numerous films, and later became a playwright. During her career, Meara was nominated for four Emmy Awards and a Tony Award, and won a Writers Guild Award as a co-writer for the TV movie, The Other Woman. She was the mother of actors Amy and Ben Stiller. Pictured: April 19, 1999 - New York, New York, U.S. - Ben Stiller, Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara., Image: 117049257, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Kelly Jordan / Zuma Press / Profimedia