Na pisti Aarhus na aerodromu u Danskoj u ranojutarnjim satima zapalio se privatni avion pjevačice Pink, prenosi Metro. Avion se srušio na travnatu površinu, no svi su putnici, srećom, uspjeli pobjeći iz buktinje te su prošli bez ozljeda. U avionu je bilo deset putnika, među kojima je bio menadžer pjevačice Roger Davies te troje članova posade. Pink nije bila s njima. Avion je u Dansku stigao nakon nastupa pjevačice u Norveškoj u okviru turneje "Beautiful Trauma".

Emergency services are seen next to a Cessna 560XL that caught fire upon landing at Aarhus Airport in Tirstrup in the early hours of August 6, 2019. The manager and other staff of the US artist Pink, who had given a concert in Oslo the night before were among the 10 passengers and crew who all escaped without injuries., Image: 462637527, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Denmark OUT, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AFP
Pink se o incidentu još nije oglasila, no poznato je da je otkazala koncert zakazan za srijedu u Stadium Casa Areni u Horsensu, Danskoj.
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Emergency services are seen next to a Cessna 560XL that caught fire upon landing at Aarhus Airport in Tirstrup in the early hours of August 6, 2019. The manager and other staff of the US artist Pink, who had given a concert in Oslo the night before were among the 10 passengers and crew who all escaped without injuries., Image: 462637525, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Denmark OUT, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AFP

Emergency services are seen next to a Cessna 560XL that caught fire upon landing at Aarhus Airport in Tirstrup in the early hours of August 6, 2019. The manager and other staff of the US artist Pink, who had given a concert in Oslo the night before were among the 10 passengers and crew who all escaped without injuries., Image: 462637524, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Denmark OUT, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AFP