Elton John u ponedjeljak je na izlasku iz svog privatnog aviona na sidnejskom aerodromu napravio pravu scenu. Poznati pjevač bacio je svoju Gucci torbu od 4000 dolara niz stepenice zrakoplova, nakon čega je ljutit ušao u automobil, prenosi Dailymail. Međutim, Eltonu ovo nije prvi ispad u posljednje vrijeme. Naime, društvenim mrežama proširila se snimka s njegovog nastupa u Perthu na kojoj se vidi kako zaštitari pokušavaju maknuti ženu koja se previše približila pozornici, a on urla na njih.

EXCLUSIVE: Elton John has a bit of diva moment as he throws his ÂŁ2,000 Gucci handbag off his private jet upon arrival at Sydney Airport!
Elton touched down at Sydney Airport after returning back from his Perth concert. Prior to disembarking his plane, Elton was filmed throwing his handbag off the plane, which was caught by one of his personal bodyguards, before he made his way down the steps and into a waiting car.
Pictured: Elton John, Image: 486095578, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -AUS, -NZL, -ESP, Model Release: no, Credit line: Media-Mode / SplashNews.com / Splash / Profimedia
PROGLAŠEN VITEZOM LEGIJE ČASTI: Pop legendu Eltona Johna odlikovao francuski predsjednik
U ožujku je pobjesnio na fana koji ga je dodirivao tijekom nastupa u Las Vegasu. "Sad je bilo dosta ovoga! Nema više penjanja na pozornicu, a ti si kriv za sve ovo", rekao mu je glazbenik i prekinuo koncert.
Izvori bliski pjevaču tvrde da je zbog puno koncerata u posljednje vrijeme pod velikim stresom. Naime, u iduća sva mjeseca ima čak 24 nastupa. Osim toga, navodno ga je jako pogodila nedavna smrt majke njegovog partnera Davida Furnisha.

EXCLUSIVE: Elton John has a bit of diva moment as he throws his ÂŁ2,000 Gucci handbag off his private jet upon arrival at Sydney Airport!
Elton touched down at Sydney Airport after returning back from his Perth concert. Prior to disembarking his plane, Elton was filmed throwing his handbag off the plane, which was caught by one of his personal bodyguards, before he made his way down the steps and into a waiting car.
Pictured: Elton John, Image: 486095595, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -AUS, -NZL, -ESP, Model Release: no, Credit line: Media-Mode / SplashNews.com / Splash / Profimedia

EXCLUSIVE: Elton John has a bit of diva moment as he throws his ÂŁ2,000 Gucci handbag off his private jet upon arrival at Sydney Airport!
Elton touched down at Sydney Airport after returning back from his Perth concert. Prior to disembarking his plane, Elton was filmed throwing his handbag off the plane, which was caught by one of his personal bodyguards, before he made his way down the steps and into a waiting car.
Pictured: Elton John, Image: 486095571, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -AUS, -NZL, -ESP, Model Release: no, Credit line: Media-Mode / SplashNews.com / Splash / Profimedia