Princ Harry i Meghan Markle imali su puno prepreka na putu do sreće, a njihovom su se braku protivili i članovi kraljevske obitelji. Svoje mišljenje o zvijezdi serije "Suits" iznio je i princ Phillip koji je svog unuka još ranije pokušao odgovoriti od ženidbe s holivudskom glumicom. "S glumicama izlazimo, te djevojke ne ženimo", rekao je suprug kraljice Elizabete II. nedugo prije zaruka u Londonu 2017. godine, piše The Sun.

Nije bio jedini
U ispravnost Harryjeve odluke sumnjao je i njegov brat William koji ga je pitao je li siguran da se želi oženiti Meghan i zna li koju težinu i odgovornost ta njegova odluka nosi. Osim Williama, tu vezu nije podržavala ni njegova supruga Kate Middleton. Naime, u jednom od dokumentaraca o vojvodi i vojvotkinji od Sussexa prikazano je da su William i Kate bili u šoku kad su saznali da Meghan i Harry hodaju te su mu pokušali objasniti da takav način života nije u skladu s normama kraljevske obitelji. Unatoč svemu, Harry je ipak oženio Meghan, a obitelj ju je navodno dobro prihvatila. Naime, ona se u prvom TV intervjuu nakon zaruka pohvalila da je osjetila toplu dobrodošlicu Harryjeve obitelji u Londonu.

**FILE PHOTOS**Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex was safely delivered of a son at 0526hrs. The Duchess went into labour in the early hours of this morning. The baby weighs 7lbs 3oz. In the beginning of April the news came out that Prince Harry and Meghan will welcome their baby on their private grounds of Windsor Castle. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very grateful for the goodwill they have received from people throughout the United Kingdom and around the world.
Pictured: Meghan Markle,Duchess of Sussex, Image: 431244948, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -NLD, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Splash - aktivní

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN NETHERLANDS ** Windsor, UNITED KINGDOM - Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex was safely delivered of a son at 0526hrs. The Duchess went into labour in the early hours of this morning. The baby weighs 7lbs 3oz. In the beginning of April the news came out that Prince Harry and Meghan will welcome their baby on their private grounds of Windsor Castle. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very grateful for the goodwill they have received from people throughout the United Kingdom and around the world. **FILE PHOTOS**
Pictured: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duke and Duchess of Sussex
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 431250681, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA