Kristen Stewart je prije nekoliko dana stigla na filmski festival u Cannesu, a već je tijekom prvog pojavljivanja na crvenom tepihu uspjela dostići u medije. Naime, iako je to strogo zabranjeno, Kristen je nasred crvenog tepih izula salonke s visokim potpeticama i prošetala bosa.
US actress and member of the Feature Film Jury Kristen Stewart removes her shoes on the red carpet as she arrives on May 14, 2018 for the screening of the film "BlacKkKlansman" at the 71st edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France. / AFP PHOTO / Alberto PIZZOLI
Sada joj je ponovno pošlo za rukom da privuče pozornost, no ovoga puta ne tako drastičnim potezom. Glumica se na crvenom tepihu pojavila u crnom odijelu i neobičnoj bluzi te ravnim cipelama, no ono što je privuklo pozornost svih prisutnih bila je njezina neobična frizura.
US actress and member of the Feature Film Jury Kristen Stewart arrives on May 17, 2018 for the screening of the film "Knife + Heart (Un Couteau dans le Coeur)" at the 71st edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France. / AFP PHOTO / Anne-Christine POUJOULAT
US actress and member of the Feature Film Jury Kristen Stewart arrives on May 17, 2018 for the screening of the film "Knife + Heart (Un Couteau dans le Coeur)" at the 71st edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France. / AFP PHOTO / Loic VENANCE
Kristen nije jedina koja se izula na crvenom tepihu. Prošle je godine istu stvar učinila slavna Julia Roberts, a na dodjeli Oscara manekenka Chrissy Teigen.