Angelinu Jolie (45) paparazzi su ulovili u šopingu sa sinom Paxom (16) u dućanu Urban Outfitters u zapadnom Hollywoodu. Slavna glumica nije se nadala da će je ispred trgovine zaskočiti aktivisti udruge za zaštitu životinja "Rebels4Causes" koji su započeli demonstracije protiv upotrebe krzna u tom modnom lancu.

West Hollywood, - *EXCLUSIVE* - Angelina Jolie crosses paths with animal rights activist group “Rebels4Causes” shopping with her son at Urban Outfitters in West Hollywood.
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 564221039, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Prosvjednici su upali u dućan, a Angelina je ostala po strani i nije se uplitala. "Nisam znala da prodaju krzno", rekla je Angelina aktivistima, prenijela je udruga na društvenim mrežama.

Angelina Jolie encounters animal rights activists as she shops in West Hollywood. The superstar hit Urban Outfitters on Saturday (oct 17) where anti fur and leather campaigners were picketing.
Pictured: angelina jolie,Image: 564234198, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -ALLCOUNTRY, Model Release: no

West Hollywood, - *EXCLUSIVE* - Angelina Jolie crosses paths with animal rights activist group “Rebels4Causes” shopping with her son at Urban Outfitters in West Hollywood.
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 564221085, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no