Meghan Markle već se mjesecima ne silazi s naslovnica britanskih tabloida, a o njezinom i Harryjevom bračnom životu iz dana u dan cure nove informacije. Kraljevski biograf Duncan Larcombe ne skriva da Meghan ima veliku moć nad Harryjem. On, naime, tvrdi da ga vojvotkinja u potpunosti promijenila te da je princ nekad bio omiljen među osobljem kraljevske palače, piše Mirror.

Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend the WellChild Awards in London on September 4, 2018. - The awards recognise the courage of seriously ill children, their families and carers. (Photo by Victoria Jones / POOL / AFP)
"Harry je postao mrzovoljan i povučen. Počeo se držati previsoko otkako se oženio Meghan. Prije nje sa svima je bio prijateljski raspoložen i s nogama čvrsto na zemlji, a sada se distancirao i zahladio. Osoblje i posluga su ga ranije obožavali, a sad ga baš i ne vole", tvrdi Larcombe.
Kako pišu britanski mediji, Meghan osjeća da gubi kontrolu nad svojim privatnim i profesionalnim životom pa svoje frustracije iskaljuje na osoblju.

Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex arrive to attend 100 Days to Peace in London on September 6, 2018, a gala music evening marking the centenary of the end of the First World War. Presented by the Royal Armouries, the one-off concert is an evening of music and reflection in aid of three charities all working to support military veterans facing mental health challenges; Help for Heroes, Combat Stress and Heads Together The Royal Foundation's campaign and mental health initiative. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Geoff PUGH

Britain's Prince Harry and wife Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attend a Summer Party at the British Ambassador's residence at Glencairn House in Dublin at the start of their two day visit on July 10, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Brian Lawless