Daša Žukova, bivša supruga ruskog milijardera Romana Abramoviča, udaje se za bogatog grčkog nasljednika Stavrosa Niarchosa. Svadba će se održati u švicarskom skijalištu St. Moritz, a pozvano je 300 ljudi, među kojima brojni poznati estradnjaci, sportaši i političari, piše Dailymail. Neki od gostiju koji su se već odazvali pozivu su David Geffen, Karlie Kloss i njezin suprug Josh Kushner, Diane von Fürstenberg i Barry Diller, Mellody Hobson te slavna dizajnerica nakita Jennifer Meyer. Ceremonija će biti u golemom luksuznom šatoru, a zabava će se kasnije nastaviti u obližnjem hotelu.

November 7, 2018 - New York, N.Y, USA - DASHA ZHUKOVA attends the WSJ. Magazine 2018 Innovator Awards,.The Museum of Modern Art, NYC.November 7, 2018.Photos by Sonia Moskowitz, Globe Photos Inc, Image: 394841145, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Sonia Moskowitz / Zuma Press / Profimedia
Daša i Abramovič razveli su se prije tri godine i imaju dvoje djece. Niarchos je javnosti poznat kao bivši dečko Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan i Mary Kate Olsen. Niarchos je Dashu zaprosio u listopadu, a prošlo ljeto su nekoliko dana proveli na Mljetu.

Sidewalk arrivals for the Harper?s BAZAAR 5th ICONS Portfolio celebration. Held at the Plaza Hotel across from Central Park in New York, New York
Pictured: Stavros Niarchos, Image: 385870293, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -ALLCOUNTRY, Model Release: no, Credit line: Johns PkI / SplashNews.com / Splash / Profimedia

31/10/11 Roman Abramovic outside the Rolls Buildings at the Royal Courts of Justice during his legal battle with Boris Berezovsky. Mr Berezovsky is suing the Russian billionaire businessman over claims he 'betrayed' him and 'intimidated' him into selling shares in the Russian oil company Sibneft. Aldwych, London PH: Adam Davies, Image: 105990110, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: PLEASE CONTACT THE PICTURE DESK ON 0044 20 7684 3000 OR PLEASE EMAIL pix@nationalnews.co.uk FOR PRICING AND USAGE. WEB USE Ł50 MINIMUM FEE. 4/5 Academy buildings, Fanshaw Street, London N1 6LQ, England. Picture supplied by nationalpictures.co.uk 4/5 Academy buildings Fanshaw Street London W1 6LQ England www.nationalpictures.co.uk pix@nationalnews.co.uk tel +44 207 684 3000, Model Release: no, Credit line: National / National Pictures / Profimedia