Princeza Eugenie, unuka kraljice Elizabete i sestrična prinčeva Williama i Harryja, u listopadu prošle godine udala se za menadžera Jacka Brooksbanka, a sada su krenule glasine da bi uskoro mogli dobiti bebu. Naime, na posljednjim fotografijama Eugenie i suprug snimljeni su dok su izlazili iz dućana modne dizajnerice Mishe Nonoo u Londonu, a pozornost je privukao trbuščić princeze. Eugenie je na sebi imala ležernu svijetloplavu haljinu čiji je kroj posebno naglasio njezin trbuh, što je kod fanova odmah pobudilo radoznalost.

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - *MUST CALL FOR PRICING* - The British Royal Princess Eugenie and husband Jack Brooksbank look very much in love as they hold hands as they leave the fashion designer and the best friend of Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex Misha Nonoo's pop up shop in London.
The newly married couple who got wed at a lavish ceremony last October at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle spent an hour mingling and browsing in the shop before giving Misha a hug goodbye as the couple went on their merry way holding hands.
BACKGRID UK 6 JUNE 2019, Image: 444639425, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN ITALY, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK
Međutim, iz palače se još nisu oglasili u vezi princezine navodne trudnoće.

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - *MUST CALL FOR PRICING* - The British Royal Princess Eugenie and husband Jack Brooksbank look very much in love as they hold hands as they leave the fashion designer and the best friend of Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex Misha Nonoo's pop up shop in London.
The newly married couple who got wed at a lavish ceremony last October at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle spent an hour mingling and browsing in the shop before giving Misha a hug goodbye as the couple went on their merry way holding hands.
BACKGRID UK 6 JUNE 2019, Image: 444639672, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN ITALY, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - *MUST CALL FOR PRICING* - The British Royal Princess Eugenie and husband Jack Brooksbank look very much in love as they hold hands as they leave the fashion designer and the best friend of Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex Misha Nonoo's pop up shop in London.
The newly married couple who got wed at a lavish ceremony last October at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle spent an hour mingling and browsing in the shop before giving Misha a hug goodbye as the couple went on their merry way holding hands.
BACKGRID UK 6 JUNE 2019, Image: 444639623, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN ITALY, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - *MUST CALL FOR PRICING* - The British Royal Princess Eugenie and husband Jack Brooksbank look very much in love as they hold hands as they leave the fashion designer and the best friend of Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex Misha Nonoo's pop up shop in London.
The newly married couple who got wed at a lavish ceremony last October at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle spent an hour mingling and browsing in the shop before giving Misha a hug goodbye as the couple went on their merry way holding hands.
BACKGRID UK 6 JUNE 2019, Image: 444639681, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN ITALY, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK