Nakon što su isplivale paparazzo fotografije na kojima izmjenjuju nježnosti u jednom restoranu, više nije bilo sumnje da su Katie Holmes i chef Emilio Vitolo Jr. u vezi. Međutim, u vrijeme kad su objavljene fotografije, Emilio još je uvijek bio u vezi s dizajnericom Rachel Emmons s kojom je bio i zaručen. The Sun piše da ju je nedugo nakon toga ostavio preko SMS poruke.

09/08/2020 PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE: Katie Holmes packs on the PDA with new boyfriend Emilio Vitolo Jr. in New York City. The 41 year old actress and the restaurateur met up for a coffee where the duo engaged in a public makeout session. Holmes looked positively giddy with excitement as she smiled from ear to ear while meeting up with her first love interest since her split from Jamie Foxx.,Image: 557284547, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Exclusive NO usage without agreed price and terms. Please contact, Model Release: no
"Sve dok vijesti nisu obišle svijet, Rachel nije imala pojma što se događa. On je varalica i ovo nije sretan završetak jedne priče", rekli su njezini prijatelji za strane medije.
Vitolo je vlasnik restorana Ballato u koji često zalaze slavne osobe poput Justina Biebera, Rihanne, Bradleyja Coopera i dr.
Katie je prije Emilija bila u braku s Tomom Cruiseom te u tajnoj vezi s Jamiejem Foxxom.

09/08/2020 PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE: Katie Holmes packs on the PDA with new boyfriend Emilio Vitolo Jr. in New York City. The 41 year old actress and the restaurateur met up for a coffee where the duo engaged in a public makeout session. Holmes looked positively giddy with excitement as she smiled from ear to ear while meeting up with her first love interest since her split from Jamie Foxx.,Image: 557284304, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Exclusive NO usage without agreed price and terms. Please contact, Model Release: no