U srijedu navečer nepoznati počinitelj ustrijelio je šetača pasa pjevačice Lady Gage i ukrao joj dva francuska buldoga, javljaju strani mediji. Do incidenta je došlo oko deset sati navečer u zapadnom Hollywoodu. Ryan Fischer napadnut je u blizini svog doma dok je bio u šetnji s Gaginim psima Kojijem, Miss Asijom i Gustavom. Kad je policija stigla, Fisher je bio pri svijesti, ali jedva je disao. Odmah je prevezen u bolnicu.

Los Angeles, CA - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - Lady gaga's Dog is picked up by her Bodyguard at the Hollywood LAPD Station after an earlier shooting in Hollywood where her Dog walker was robbed and shot multiple times. The Dog walker was transported to the hospital in grave condition. Two of the singer's other French Bulldogs were stolen in the horrific robbery.
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 593402546, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ****** FROMN ALEX AND MARIA ONLY ****, Model Release: no
Psi Koji i Gustavo su ukradeni. Miss Asia je pobjegla, no policija ju je pronašla kasnije. U tijeku je istraga.
Lady Gaga je trenutno u Rimu gdje snima novi film. Fischer se brinuo o njezinim psima.

Los Angeles, CA - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - Lady gaga's Dog is picked up by her Bodyguard at the Hollywood LAPD Station after an earlier shooting in Hollywood where her Dog walker was robbed and shot multiple times. The Dog walker was transported to the hospital in grave condition. Two of the singer's other French Bulldogs were stolen in the horrific robbery.
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 593402590, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ****** FROMN ALEX AND MARIA ONLY ****, Model Release: no