Nakon što su prije samo mjesec dana iz Buckingamske palače potvrdili da je kraljica Elizabeta princu Andrewu oduzela sve kraljevske i vojne titule, na vidjelo izlaze i brojni drugi gnjusni detalji.
Podsjetimo, Virginia Giuffre podigla je tužbu protiv princa te tvrdila kako ju je zlostavljao kad je bila maloljetna. Prema navodima CNN-a, Giuffre je u svojoj tužbi navela da je pokojni Jeffrey Epstein trgovao njezinim tijelom i prisilio je na seks sa svojim prijateljima, među kojima je bio i princ.

Los Angeles, CA - Jeffrey Epstein accusers detail abuse in Dateline exclusive - including woman who claims as a teenager she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew. NBC's Savannah Guthrie sat down with six women who have leveled sexual assault allegations against disgraced financier Epstein, who died by suicide in August. In her first TV interview, Virginia Roberts Giuffre detailed how Epstein directed her to have sex with other powerful men, including Britain’s Prince Andrew. She said she grew up watching Disney movies and princes were 'good people'. The 36-year-old alleges she was coerced by paedophile US businessman Epstein into having sex with Prince Andrew on three occasions. Roberts said of Andrew: "He was a prince. He was famous. He was royalty and it just stuck in my mind. I grew up watching Disney movies and princesses and princes were the good people of the world. And he wasn't." Prince Andrew has vehemently denied any wrongdoing or knowledge of Epstein's crimes. A US judge threw out Ms Roberts's claims against him in 2015, describing them as 'immaterial and impertinent'. However, the Prince has faced a blizzard of damaging headlines following Epstein's suicide on August 10, 2019 as he awaited trial for trafficking minors. In a recent statement, Buckingham Palace said: "The Duke of York has been appalled by the recent reports of Jeffrey Epstein's alleged crimes. His Royal Highness deplores the exploitation of any human being and the suggestion he would condone, participate in or encourage any such behaviour is abhorrent." But in her first interview since Epstein's death, Roberts told Dateline show: "He [Andrew] was a participant." She added that she was prepared to sue anyone who described her as 'a liar'. She was joined for the interview by fellow accusers Anouska De Georgiou, Rachel Benavidez, Jennifer Araoz, Marijke Chartouni and Chauntae Davies. Ex-Playboy model De Georgiou revealed how Epstein sexually abused her when she was a teen and claims the pedophile would 'physically shake' when he saw her - after she grew up in an affluent British family and went to school with Kate Middleton. She met Epstein through well-connected friends when he was in London and he soon began to fly her to his properties across the globe, including his Caribbean home, dubbed 'Orgy Island' by locals. De Georgiou said Epstein's grooming was subtle, but eventually 'all consuming'.
Princ je, dakako, opovrgnuo sve optužbe, a Virginia je u tužbi navela kako ju je Andrew seksualno zlostavljao u domu pokojnog pedofila Jeffreyja Epsteina na Manhattanu te na njegovu privatnom otoku na Američkim Djevičanskim otocima.
Jedan od svjedoka u cijelom slučaju je i bivši dečko optuženice Virginije Guiffre, Anthony Figueroa, koji je ispričao da je njegova bivša djevojka bila seksualna robinja princu Andrewu.

Podsjetimo, zbog svih optužbi, kraljica je odlučila kako vojvoda od Yorka više neće preuzimati nikakve javne dužnosti, a u slučaju će se braniti kao građanin.
Princu nikako ne ide u prilog činjenica da se sada oglasila i njegova bivša masažerka, 50-godišnja Emma Gruenbaum koja tvrdi kako ju je princ svojim komentarima izrazito inkomodirao kada je kod nje došao na masažu.
Nakon što je odvjetnički tim princa Andrewa komentirao kako Virginija možda pati od "lažnih sjećanja", Emma je odlučila reagirati. Prisjeća se kako je na svojim seansama znao zlobno komentirati njezinu stražnjicu, a nakon samo nekoliko minuta od njihova prvog susreta, počeo joj je postavljati iznimno intimna pitanja. Svjedokinja tvrdi i kako je optuženik tražio da za vrijeme masaže bude potpuno gol te da se masaža održi u njegovoj spavaćoj sobi, na visini stola koja uopće nije preporučena za masažu.
Princ je cijelo vrijeme tijekom masaža zbijao šale o analnom seksu, tražio da mu se Emma što više približi. Ispitivao ju je kada se posljednji put seksala, a nekoliko ju je puta pokušao i zagrliti nakon masaže.
"Htjela sam ispričati svoje iskustvo kako bih nekome pomogla. Vidim kako se odnosi prema mlađim djevojkama i strah me i pomisliti što bi se dogodilo da sam ja u tom trenutku bila mlađa. Ako će moj slučaj pomoći Virginiji, drago mi je", kazala je Emma.

November 20, 2019: The Duke of York has stepped down from public duties in the wake of his disastrous television interview over his relationship with the sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. In a statement released by Buckingham Palace he said that the controversy had become "a major disruption" to the work of the royal family. Pictured: September 8, 2019, Bruges, Belgium: PRINCE ANDREW, the Duke of York, attending a memorial to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Bruges in his role as Colonel of the Grenadier Guards., Image: 469702931, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * China, France, Italy, Spain, Taiwan and UK Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: I-Images / Zuma Press / Profimedia