U napadima sirijske vojske na pobunjeničku enklavu Istočnu Gutu u posljednja 24 sata poginulo je gotovo sto ljudi, među njima brojne žene i djeca, objavio je kasno u ponedjeljak Sirijski opservatorij za ljudska prava (SOHR).
"Intenzitet granatiranja i zračnih napada na Istočnu Gutu ukazuje da snage sirijskog režima spremaju kopneni napad", upozorio je Rami Abdel Rahman, čelnik SORH-a.
Broj mrtvih raste
Broj poginulih vjerojatno će rasti jer je ranjenih 470, pa bolnice teško s tim izlaze na kraj. Zračni napadi i topnička paljba nastavljaju se na tom području koje je od 2013. pod opsadom snaga režima Bašara al-Asada, To je jedno od posljednjih područja pod kontrolom pobunjenika.

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / Smoke rises from buildings following bombardment on the village of Mesraba in the rebel-held besieged Eastern Ghouta region on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on February 19, 2018. Heavy Syrian bombardment killed dozens of civilians in rebel-held Eastern Ghouta, as regime forces appeared to prepare for an imminent ground assault. / AFP PHOTO / Hamza Al-Ajweh
Odsječeni od humanitarne pomoći
Oko 400.000 ljudi u tom području uglavnom je odsječeno od humanitarne pomoći, a aktivisti su upozorili da je situacija dramatična jer zalihe hrane i medicinskih potrepština nestaju. "Humanitarno stanje s civilima u Istočnoj Guti izmiče kontroli", rekao je Panos Moumtzis, UN-ov regionalni koordinator za sirijsku krizu. "Hitno je potrebno okončati tu ljudsku patnju", naglasio je.

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / A wounded Syrian boy receives treatment at a make-shift hospital in Douma following air strikes on the Syrian village of Mesraba in the besieged Eastern Ghouta region on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on February 19, 2018. Heavy Syrian bombardment killed dozens of civilians in rebel-held Eastern Ghouta, as regime forces appeared to prepare for an imminent ground assault. / AFP PHOTO / Hamza Al-Ajweh
'Ovo nije rat, ovo je masakr'
"Ovo je najveći masakr 21. stoljeća. Ako je Srebrenica bila masakr koji je obilježio 1990-e, a Halabja, Sabra i Chatila 1980-e, tada je istočna Guta ovog trenutka masakr stoljeća", rekao je neimenovani doktor.
"Nedavno je do mene došlo dijete plavog lica, jedva je disalo, usta su mu bila ispunjena pijeskom. Pokušavao ga je izvaditi rukama. Mislim da ovakvi slučajevi nisu zabilježeni u medicinskim priručnicima. Teško ozlijeđeno dijete koje udiše zrak plućima ispunjenima pijeskom. Sve ove humanitarne i udruge za zaštitu ljudskih prava, sve je to glupost. Kao i terorizam. Što je veći terorizam nego ubijanje civila, i to iz svih mogućih oružja. Je li ovo rat? Nije ovo rat. Ovo se zove masakr", zaključio je.

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / Syrian Mohammed cries as he receives treatment at a make-shift hospital in Kafr Batna after being wounded with his mother in government air strikes on the town of Jisreen, in the besieged Eastern Ghouta region on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on February 19, 2018. Heavy Syrian bombardment killed dozens of civilians in rebel-held Eastern Ghouta, as regime forces appeared to prepare for an imminent ground assault. / AFP PHOTO / Ammar SULEIMAN

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / Syrian children cry at a make-shift hospital in Douma following air strikes on the Syrian village of Mesraba in the besieged Eastern Ghouta region on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on February 19, 2018. Heavy Syrian bombardment killed dozens of civilians in rebel-held Eastern Ghouta, as regime forces appeared to prepare for an imminent ground assault. / AFP PHOTO / Hamza Al-Ajweh

A Syrian man carries an infant rescued from the rubble of buildings following government bombing in the rebel-held town of Hamouria, in the besieged Eastern Ghouta region on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on February 19, 2018. Heavy Syrian bombardment killed 44 civilians in rebel-held Eastern Ghouta, as regime forces appeared to prepare for an imminent ground assault. / AFP PHOTO / ABDULMONAM EASSA

Syrian men carry an injured victim amid the rubble of buildings following government bombing in the rebel-held town of Hamouria, in the besieged Eastern Ghouta region on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on February 19, 2018. Heavy Syrian bombardment killed 44 civilians in rebel-held Eastern Ghouta, as regime forces appeared to prepare for an imminent ground assault. / AFP PHOTO / ABDULMONAM EASSA