Josipović putem Facebooka mami investitore

Geeks on a Plane (GOAP), grupa u kojoj su neki od najutjecajnijih američkih investitora i internetskih poduzetnika, uskoro planira posjetiti istočnu Europu.

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Članovi ove grupe, koju je pokrenuo Dave McClure, imaju za mislju u cijelom svijetu širiti znanja o trendovima na internetu i novim tehnologijama.

U namjeri da GOAP približi Hrvatskoj reagirali su neki hrvatski poduzetnici, a to je učinio i predsjednik Ivo Josipović koji je preko Facebooka uputio poziv McClureu da dođe u našu zemlju.

"Poslovnom anđelu" iz San Franciska Josipović je napisao kako je ova regija zadnjih godina središte brojnih inovativnih projekata, te da je sada pravo vrijeme za dolazak GOAP-a u Hrvatsku.

Josipovićevu poruku McClureu prenosimo u cijelosti:

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Dear Dave McClure, New Europe (or, as some call it, "Eastern Europe") has been a hotbed of startup innovation over the past few years. Southeast Europe, in particular, (or, as some call it, "Balkans") has attracted investor interest, both from international funds such as Seedcamp but also from local angel groups. Now, with Croatia next in line to join the EU in July of next year, there has never been a better time for GOAP to come calling. A thriving startup community and the perspective of EU membership will turn the attention of many investors to the region - there's no reason why GOAP should not be in the vanguard of this trend!

I would like to personally invite you and the GOAP crew to Zagreb on your Eastern Europe tour this Autumn. Here you will find a dynamic startup community, a political administration that is increasing its support for enterpreneurship and a warm welcome not only from Croatians but also from our friends in the region - Slovenians, Serbs, Bosnians and others.

Looking forward to greeting you in Zagreb soon, I send you my kind regards.

Ivo Josipović President of Croatia

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